Attendance Time: Thursday, 23 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Katerina Michaelides
EGU2009-2471 The spatial distribution of caesium-137 over Northern Ireland from fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident B.G. Rawlins, C. Scheib, A. N. Tyler, D. Jones, R. Webster, and M. E. Young
EGU2009-3691 Cesium-137 - Its applications for understanding soil redistribution and deposition patterns on the landscape J.C. Ritchie
Use of radionuclide 137Cs as sediment tracer to study soil erosion and the efficiency of agricultural soil practices(withdrawn) A. Nouira, A Siaka, M Benmansour, A Laouina, R Nafaa, M Chaker, M Aderghal, and J Al Karkouri
EGU2009-3828 The application of Caesium-137 and Plutonium-239+240 measurements to investigate floodplain deposition in a semi-arid, low-fallout environment
K.J. Amos, J.C. Croke, H. Timmers, and P.N. Owens
EGU2009-13962 Exploring mobilisation and transport of diffuse substances using multiple sediment and colloid tracers applied to a temperate grassland catchment.
S Granger and J Hawkins and the GRASP team
EGU2009-12001 Determination of connectivity in spatial patterns of soil erosion and deposition using Rare Earth Element tracers K. Michaelides, I. Ibraim, and A. Chappell
EGU2009-7652 Evaluation of commercial magnetic iron oxides as sediment tracers in water erosion experiments G. Guzman, V. Barron, and J.A. Gomez
EGU2009-5642 Use of rare earth oxide tracers to determine source areas for sediment eroded from arable hillslopes C. Deasy and J.N. Quinton
EGU2009-4316 Tracing Phosphorus Transport Using Multiple Tracers O. Pryce and J. Quinton
EGU2009-1950 Apportioning sediment pressures on watercourses in grassland dominated agricultural catchments: a new framework for policy support A. Collins, K. Black, D.E. Walling, and P. Wilson
EGU2009-12014 Investigating the use of organic biomarkers as tracers of organic matter on hillslopes
C.E.M. Lloyd, K. Michaelides, R.P. Evershed, D.R. Chadwick, and J.A.J. Dungait
EGU2009-6222 Sediment and organic carbon transport in Cap de Creus canyon, Gulf of Lions (France) T. Tesi, P. Puig, A. Palanques, M.A. Goni, S. Miserocchi, and L. Langone
EGU2009-6351 Micromorphology use for visualization of fly-ash distribution in sandy material R. Kodesova and A. Kapicka
EGU2009-7619 Tracing sources of sediments during flood events by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier-Transform (DRIFT) J. Poulenard, C. Legout, J. Némery, J. Bramorski, O. Navratil, M. Estèves, B. Fanget, and Y. Perrette
EGU2009-3806 A numerical tracing experiment of water erosion at the plot scale G. Nord and M. Esteves
EGU2009-11396 Forced gradient infiltration experiments: effect on the release processes of mobile particles and organic contaminants B. Pagels, K. Reichel, and K. U. Totsche
EGU2009-1517 Groundwater Level Fluctuation Forecasting in Birjand Aquifer Using Artificial Neural Network a. mirarabi and m. nakhaei