Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 14
Chairperson: Jostein Bakke and Øyvind Paasche
EGU2009-2908 What do we know about Holocene climate patterns and modes?
H. Wanner
EGU2009-6943 Solar forcing based on Be-10 in Antarctica ice over the past millennium and beyond
G. Delaygue and E. Bard
EGU2009-13821 The Holocene perspective of Northern Hemisphere temperature evolution G. Lohmann and T. Laepple
EGU2009-7959 The global nature of the Holocene thermal maximum in transient coupled climate model simulations H. Renssen, H. Seppä, O. Heiri, D.M. Roche, H. Goosse, and T. Fichefet
EGU2009-7867 Mid-Holocene climate mode in northern Europe - using present to understand past H. Seppä and D. Chen
EGU2009-501 Evaluating Holocene Climate Variability using EOF and Time Series Analysis on 80 Records with Global Distribution: Common Forcing or Regional Noise? S.A. Marcott, V. Ersek, N.G. Pisias, and P.U. Clark