/ Attendance Thu, 23 Apr, 08:30–10:00
/ Poster Area BG
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 22
Chairperson: A.F. Lotter
EGU2009-2389 Branched tetraether membrane lipids: A versatile group of molecular fossils as testimony of past climate change (Outstanding Young Scientist Lecture)
J.W.H. Weijers
EGU2009-7415 Annually resolved multi-proxy reconstruction of the end of the Piànico interglacial about 390 ka ago C. Mangili, A. Brauer, J.M. Delgado, P. Dulski, A. Moscariello, and B. Plessen
EGU2009-4018 Vegetation setbacks within the Holsteinian interglacial (MIS 11) as recorded in an annually-laminated core from Dethlingen, Northern Germany A. Koutsodendris, U.C. Müller, A. Brauer, and J. Pross
EGU2009-594 Climate dynamics from 17 to 7 kyr BP deduced from a new pollen record from Tenaghi Philippon in comparison with marine palynological data from the northern Aegean Sea U. Kotthoff, J. Pross, U.C. Müller, I. Dormoy, O. Peyron, A. Bordon, and G. Schmiedl
EGU2009-6726 A paleoclimate record with tephrochronological age control for the last climatic cycle from Lake Ohrid, Albania and Macedonia H. Vogel, B. Wagner, G. Zanchetta, R. Sulpizio, M.J. Leng, and S. Schouten
EGU2009-8436 A multi-proxy record of Lateglacial climatic and environmental changes from Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) S. Lauterbach, A. Brauer, P. Dulski, G. Schettler, K. Milecka, M. Hüls, N. Andersen, T. Namiotko, D. L. Danielopol, and U. von Grafenstein and the DecLakes Members
EGU2009-5389 Testing the apatite depletion hypothesis for early Holocene ecosystem acidification using the lake sediment record at Kråkenes, Norway. I.M. Thrasher, J.F. Boyle, R.C. Chiverrell, and A.J. Plater
EGU2009-10851 Does sediment geochemistry (based on selective extractions of Al and Fe and REE) provide a record of soil evolution? B. Mourier, J. Poulenard, O. Blarquez, D. Williamson, F. Arnaud, and C. Carcaillet
EGU2009-10471 Holocene Paleoenvironmental reconstruction from laminated sediments of the high-alpine lake Anterne (Lake Anterne, 2063 m asl, NW French Alps) C. Giguet-Covex, F. Arnaud, D. Enters, J. Poulenard, J-R. Disnar, F. David, C. Delhon, and J-J. Delannoy
EGU2009-3087 High resolution record of millet cultivation during the Bronze Age around Lake le Bourget (French Alps). Is there any climatic control? J. JACOB, J.R. DISNAR, F. ARNAUD, Y. BILLAUD, E. CHAPRON, M.-A. SICRE, and R. BOSCARDIN
EGU2009-2004 Cold-season climate change versus anthropogenic nutrient input: signals preserved in chrysophyte stomatocyst assemblages from annually laminated sediments (AD 1940 – 2004) of high-Alpine Lake Silvaplana (Switzerland)
E Baumann, C Kamenik, R de Jong, and M Grosjean
EGU2009-10970 Linkage between instrumental, documentary and dendrochronological data in the last millennium for long-time climate and flood dynamic reconstructions J. Schoenbein, A. Land, R. Glaser, M. Friedrich, D. Riemann, and M. Kueppers
EGU2009-9616 A multiproxy study of Holocene water-depth and environmental changes in Lake St Ana, Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania E. K. Magyari, K. Buczkó, M. Braun, and G. Jakab
EGU2009-2428 The impact of ancient mining on the environment of Schwaz (Tirol) evidenced by a multi-proxy analysis E. Breitenlechner, M. Hilber, J. Lutz, Y. Kathrein, A. Unterkircher, and K. Oeggl
EGU2009-12056 A novel firn/ice-core melter system for semi-continuous extraction of PAHs and continuous ICP-QMS trace element analysis J. Gabrieli, P. Vallelonga, W. Cairn, G. Cozzi, F. Decet, M. Schwikowski, M. Sigl, C. Boutron, and C. Barbante
EGU2009-10612 The 3000-4000 cal. BP anthropogenic shift in fire regime in the French Pyrenees. D. Rius, B. Vannière, D. Galop, and H. Richard
EGU2009-3306 The "Crystal Eye of Nunavik" (Pingualuit): New insights from one of the deepest crater lakes and one of the oldest sediment records of the Northern Hemisphere R. Pienitz and the