Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 33
Chairperson: Philipp Blum and Harald Milsch
EGU2009-2116 CO2 emission mitigation by geothermal development – especially with geothermal heat pumps L. Rybach
EGU2009-1008 The effect of shallow groundwater on soil temperature and soil heat flux near land surface F. Alkhaier and Z. Su
EGU2009-11862 Geothermal Project Den Haag - 3-D models for temperature prediction and reservoir characterization D. Mottaghy, R. Pechnig, G. Willemsen, H. J. Simmelink, and V. Vandeweijer
EGU2009-10198 The Role of Dispersion in Steady State Heat Transport in 3D Heterogeneous Porous Media J. J. Hidalgo, J. Carrera, and M. Dentz
EGU2009-5556 Shallow Geothermal Admissibility Maps: a Methodology to Achieve a Sustainable Development of Shallow Geothermal Energy with Regards to Groundwater Resources D. Bréthaut, A. Parriaux, and L. Tacher
EGU2009-11963 Thermal use of groundwater: International legislation and ecological considerations S. Hähnlein, C. Griebler, P. Blum, and P. Bayer
EGU2009-2873 Exploration of a deep carbonate hydrogeothermal aquifer H. von Hartmann, R. Thomas, and R. Schulz
EGU2009-4982 3D fracture zon network in the crystalline geothermal reservoir of Soultz-sous-Forêts (Upper Rhine Graben, France) C. Dezayes, J. Sausse, and A. Genter
EGU2009-3995 Predicting the life-cycle performance of an EGS by numerical simulation G. Blöcher, G. Zimmermann, I. Moeck, W. Brandt, and E. Huenges
EGU2009-1187 Numerical simulations of deep geothermal groundwater flow in the Seferihisar-Bal Dr. F. Magri, Prof. A. Pekdeger, Prof. U. Gemici, and T. Akar
EGU2009-12128 The importance of geochemical processes for the sustainability of deep geothermal systems: insights from coupled thermal-hydraulic-chemical modeling of the geothermal system at Bad Blumau, Austria P. Alt-Epping, H.N. Waber, L. Eichinger, and L.W. Diamond
EGU2009-4790 Characterization of mudstone, clayey rock and argillite towards stabilisation of boreholes by developing new drilling strategies for geothermal resources exploration M. Witthaus, Ch. Lempp, Th. Röckel, Ch. Hecht, and M. Herold