Attendance Time: Thursday, 23 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Philipp Blum and Harald Milsch
EGU2009-10811 Efficient Use of Geothermal Energy in Spas - Call for Improvements W. Straka, K. Ponweiser, K. Gollob, G. Götzl, and J.F. Schneider
EGU2009-7851 Sustainable Management of Urban Heat Islands K Zhu, S Rumohr, K.-D Balke, P Bayer, and P Blum
EGU2009-12529 Geostatistical characterisation of geothermal parameters for a thermal aquifer storage site in Germany J. Rodrigo-Ilarri, T. Li, P. Grathwohl, P. Blum, and P. Bayer
EGU2009-12030 Heat transport modelling using the multi-species transport model MT3DMS J. Hecht-Mendez, N. Molina-Giraldo, P. Bayer, and P. Blum
EGU2009-8381 MeProRisk - a toolbox for evaluating risks in exploration, development, and operation of geothermal reservoirs C. Clauser and the MeProRisk Partners
EGU2009-8427 MeProRisk - Acquisition and Prediction of thermal and hydraulic properties J. Arnold, D. Mottaghy, and R. Pechnig
EGU2009-5055 Statistically significant data base of rock properties for geothermal use A. Koch, R. Jorand, and C. Clauser
EGU2009-1250 Processing of thermal parameters for the assessment of geothermal potential of sedimentary basins V. Pasquale, P. Chiozzi, G. Gola, and M. Verdoya
EGU2009-10611 Estimation of deep subsurface temperatures in the Roer Valley Graben, using a new numerical model of borehole temperature recovery E. Luijendijk, M. Ter Voorde, R.T. Van Balen, P.A.M. Andriessen, J.M. Verweij, and E. Simmelink
EGU2009-8287 Fracture propagation and fluid transport in palaeogeothermal fields and man-made reservoirs in limestone SL Philipp, D Reyer, and S Meier
EGU2009-4287 Imaging fractured systems in the Upper Rhine Graben H.-M. Rumpel and H. Buness
EGU2009-10593 The 2008 earthquakes in the Bavarian Molasse Basin - possible relation to deep geothermics? T. Kraft, J. Wassermann, N. Deichmann, and S. Stange
EGU2009-5632 Focal mechanism determination of induced micro-earthquakes in reservoir by non linear inversion of amplitudes M Godano, M Regnier, A Deschamps, and T Bardainne
Three dimensional resistivity model of the Travale geothermal field (Italy)(withdrawn) C. Ungarelli, A. Manzella, A. Bianchi, and D. Montanari
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the relationships between shallow and deep circulation of geofluids: the Equi Terme (NW Tuscany, Italy) example.(withdrawn) C. Ungarelli, F. Baldacci, A. Bianchi, F. Botti, M. Doversi, M. Lelli, A. Manzella, G. Molli, D. Montanari, L. Pierotti, and C. L. Vaselli
EGU2009-11142 Interpretation of single-well push-pull spikings conducted in deep crystalline formations (Soultz-s.-F. in the Upper Rhine Graben, and KTB-VB at the German site of ICDP)
J. Ghergut, M. Sauter, H. Behrens, S. (Steffen) Fischer, S. (Steffi) Fischer, T. Licha, and M. Nottebohm
EGU2009-3622 Influence of hydrothermal processes on changes of volcanic rocks (data of physical modelling) V. V. Shanina and A. Y. Bychkov
EGU2009-11680 Mineral water discharges at the Azores archipelago (Portugal): hydrogeological setting, chemical composition and mapping P. Freire, J. Cruz, R. Coutinho, A. Costa, and P. Antunes
EGU2009-10308 Thermo-chemical variations of the hydrothermal fluids in the Berlin geothermal field (El Salvador) G. Ruggieri, L. Dallai, I. Nardini, and E. Torio Henriquez
EGU2009-10353 The main factors controlling petrophysical alteration in hydrothermal systems of the Kuril-Kamchatka island arch J. Frolova, V. Ladygin, S. Rychagov, V. Shanina, and M. Blyumkina
EGU2009-13357 Geophysical characterization of subaerial hydrothermal manifestations in Punta Banda, Baja California, Mexico. L. Flores-Marquez, R.M. Prol-Ledesma, C. Arango, and C. Canet
EGU2009-12303 Geothermal reservoir of Hainaut (Belgium) - A multi-permeable complex aquifer L. LICOUR
EGU2009-13627 Geothermal exploration in the Virunga Prospect, Northern Rwanda E. Jolie
EGU2009-2277 Geothermal Resources of Korea Y. Lee, S. Park, J. Kim, H. C. Kim, and M.-H. Koo