Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 34
Chairperson: Weihermüller
EGU2009-2683 Simulation of N2O peak emissions on peat soils with SWAP-ANIMO P.C. Stolk, R.H.A. Hendriks, C.M.J. Jacobs, H. Weststrate, and J. Duyzer
EGU2009-3493 Assessing Vertical CO2 Production Rates and Surface Fluxes Using Automated Diffusion Chambers F. Albanito and M.B. Jones
EGU2009-7184 Time lag between photosynthesis and CO2 efflux from soil Y. Kuzyakov and O. Gavrichkova
EGU2009-9712 Nitrogen loss from high N-input vegetable fields - a) direct N2O emissions b) Spatiotemporal variability of N species (N2O, NH4+, NO3-) in soils H. Pfab, R. Ruser, I. Palmer, and S. Fiedler
EGU2009-5551 Plants determine diversity and function of soil microbial and mesofaunal communities - results from a girdling experiments in a temperate coniferous forest J. Subke, N. Voke, V. Leronni, M. J. I. Briones, and P. Ineson
EGU2009-7007 Inverse modeling of gas diffusion coefficients and CO2 production rates from steady state gas profiles in a tropical lowland forest soil B. Koehler, E. Zehe, M.D. Corre, and E. Veldkamp