Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 31
Chairperson: Elena Toth
EGU2009-12011 Hillslope rainfall-runoff thresholds: Macroscale process behavior and catchment similarity metric?Press & Media J.J. McDonnell, C. Graham, and R. Woods
EGU2009-3416 Are transit times key process-based tools for regional classification and prediction in ungauged basins? D. Tetzlaff, C. Soulsby, M. Hrachowitz, and M. Speed
EGU2009-12177 Dimensionless classification of modes of hydrologic behavior based on characteristic rates and timescales of processes and inputs C.J. Harman and M. Sivapalan
EGU2009-12419 Spectral parameterisation of rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins S. Castiglioni, A. Montanari, and A. Castellarin
EGU2009-7087 Process controls on event runoff coefficients in Austria R. Merz and G. Blöschl
EGU2009-5678 Spatial variation patterns of drainage density within a basin as a key hydrological signature for river runoff regime M. Di Lazzaro