Attendance Time: Friday, 24 April 2009, 10:30–12:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Peter Troch
EGU2009-1191 Prediction of an index-flood in ungauged catchments – the benefit of data-transfer T. R. Kjeldsen and D. A. Jones
EGU2009-7277 Input sensitivity analysis of neural network flood event models for ungauged catchments
C.W. Dawson and R.J. Abrahart
EGU2009-11926 Determination of homogeneous regions for flood regional analysis in Lazio region M. Rianna, F. Napolitano, and F. Lombardo
EGU2009-12332 Physiographic space-based interpolation vs. TOPKRIGING for predicting low-flow indices S. Castiglioni, A. Castellarin, G. Laaha, J. O. Skøien, and G. Blöschl
EGU2009-7539 Analysis of the relationships between hydrogeological characteristics of mountain basins and low flow discharge: regional-scale prediction of hydrological indexes in ungauged basins of the northern Apennines (Italy) F. Cervi, L. Borgatti, A. Corsini, F. Ronchetti, and G. Bloschl
EGU2009-12836 Low flows regionalization in North-Western Italy P. Vezza, M. Rosso, and C. Comoglio
EGU2009-9614 Predicting the daily streamflow of ungauged catchments in Sicily by regionalising the parameters of a lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model F. Viola, M. Cannarozzo, L.V. Noto, and A. Di Piazza
EGU2009-8660 Inter-comparison of methods for estimating rainfall-runoff model parameters in ungauged basins (case study: Austria and Slovakia) K. Hlavcova, J. Parajka, S. Kohnova, R. Merz, G. Bloeschl, and J. Szolgay
EGU2009-11119 A comparison of statistical methods for runoff regime estimation G. Vezzù, D. Ganora, P. Claps, and F. Laio
EGU2009-12756 Detection of dominant runoff generation processes for catchment classification A. Gioia, S. Manfreda, V. Iacobellis, and M. Fiorentino
EGU2009-11528 Detecting similarities in watershed response behaviour M. C. Casper and R. Ley
EGU2009-150 Quantifying selected morphometric characteristics for Jordanian side of the Jordan river basin Y. Abu Rukah
EGU2009-7171 An exercise in hydrological modeling: does expert knowledge improve model results? H. Hellebrand, C. Müller, P. Matgen, F. Fenicia, and H. Savenije
EGU2009-7766 Relations between hydrological and landscape indicators for headwater catchment similarity study - A way to extrapolate hydrologic behaviour of elementary catchments at regional extent, Languedoc Roussillon (southern France). A. Crabit, F. Colin, and P. Lagacherie