EGU2009-12688 Comprehensive monitoring of pesticide occurrence in stream water J. Kreuger
EGU2009-4751 Pesticides in the Lake Kinneret basin: a combined approach towards mircopollutant management M. Gaßmann, E. Friedler, Y. Dubwoski, E. Dinerman, O. Olsson, and M. Bauer
EGU2009-5597 Transport of a nematicide in surface and ground waters in a farmed tropical catchment with volcanic substratum J.-B. Charlier, P. Cattan, M. Voltz, and R. Moussa
EGU2009-1979 Concentration patterns of agricultural pesticides and urban biocides in surface waters of a catchment of mixed land use C. Stamm, I. Wittmer, H.-P. Bader, R. Scheidegger, A. Alder, A. Lück, I. Hanke, and H. Singer
EGU2009-11054 Urban and agricultural inputs of antibiotics in the Seine River basin F. Tamtam, B. Le Bot, T. Dinh, F. Mercier, J. Eurin, and M. Chevreuil
EGU2009-11867 Assessment of fluxes of priority pollutants in stormwater discharges in two urban catchments in Lyon, France C. Becouze, J.L. Bertrand-Krajewski, M. Coquery, A. Dembélé, and C. Cren-Olivé
EGU2009-8130 Long term high resolution heavy metal leaching from soils to surface waters in a Dutch catchment J.G. Kroes, L.T.C. Bonten, and B. Van der Grift
EGU2009-11608 Spatially explicit exposure assessment for small streams in catchments of the orchard growing region ‘Lake Constance B. Golla, M. Bach, and J. Krumpe
EGU2009-2135 FOOT-CRS – a GIS-based tool for pesticide risk assessment and management at the catchment scale S. Reichenberger and the FOOTPRINT
EGU2009-6832 Geo-referenced modelling of metal concentrations in river basins at the catchment scale N. Hüffmeyer, J. Berlekamp, and J. Klasmeier
EGU2009-9165 Modeling micropollutant fate at the catchment scale: from science to practice P. Seuntjens, N. Desmet, K. Holvoet, A. Van Griensven, S. Van Hoey, X.Y. Tang, and I. Nopens
EGU2009-6328 Integrating Water Quality and River Rehabilitation Management - A Decision-Analytical Perspective P. Reichert, S. Langhans, J. Lienert, and N. Schuwirth