Attendance Time: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
EGU2009-5098 Comparison of different approaches to predict the spatial distributed of critical source areas to manage the water quality on the catchment scale M. Frey, T. David, A-L. Juwe, P. Reichert, and C. Stamm
EGU2009-1880 Targeting aquatic micropollutants for monitoring: Exposure categorization and application to the Swiss situation
C.W. Götz, C. Stamm, K. Fenner, H.P. Singer, M Schärer, and J Hollender
EGU2009-3063 Sources and Input Pathways of Glyphosate and its Degradation Product AMPA
S. Bischofberger, I. Hanke, I. Wittmer, H. Singer, and C. Stamm
EGU2009-8875 Micropollutants in urban watersheds : substance flow analysis as management tool L. Rossi, P.J. Copin, A.D. Barry, H.-P. Bader, R. Scheidegger, and N. Chèvre
EGU2009-9158 Measuring pesticides in surface waters - continuous versus event-based sampling design J. Eyring, M. Bach, and H.-G. Frede
EGU2009-3797 Pesticide monitoring in surface water and groundwater using passive samplers V. Kodes and R. Grabic
EGU2009-6205 Assesment of pesticide fluxes to surface water using Uranine in Colombia G. Garcia-Santos, D. Scheiben, J. Diaz, F. Leuenberger, and C.R. Binder
EGU2009-2865 Mitigation of nonpoint source pesticide contamination in a artificial wetland located at the outlet of a vineyard catchment S. Payraudeau, C. Gregoire, and G. Imfeld
Multidisciplinary approach in order to study terbuthylazine groundwater contamination in the Lucca aquifer (Italy).(withdrawn) R. Rossetto, N. Silvestri, T. Sabbatini, C. Pistocchi, and E. Bonari
EGU2009-9836 A GIS-based approach to prevent contamination of groundwater at regional scale M. Balderacchi, C. Vischetti, A. Di Guardo, and M. Trevisan
EGU2009-8576 Diffuse pollution (pesticides and nitrate) at catchment scale on two constrasted sites: mass balances and characterization of the temporal variability of groundwater quality. N. BARAN and A. GUTIERREZ
EGU2009-7250 Risk assessment for pesticide contamination of groundwater with sparse available data K. Bardowicks, O. Heredia, M. Billib, A. Fernández Cirelli, and P. Boochs
EGU2009-819 From a microcosm to the catchment scale: studying the fate of organic runoff pollutants in aquatic ecosystems T. Böttcher and R. Schroll
EGU2009-9938 Occurrence of veterinary pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment in Flanders K. Servaes, G. Vanermen, and P. Seuntjens
EGU2009-5146 Non-target screening analyses of organic contaminants in river systems as a base for monitoring measures J. Schwarzbauer
EGU2009-5915 Analytical Determination of KDOC-Values of Polycyclic Musk Compounds with HS-SPME and GC/MS/MS L. Böhm and R.-A. Düring
EGU2009-6297 Presence of emerging contaminants in Natural Wetlands: L
P.V. Roig, C. Blasco, V. Andreu, J.A. Pascual, J.L. Rubio, and Y. Picó
EGU2009-9880 E. coli Resuspension During an Artificial High-flow Event in a Small First-order Creek Y. A. Pachepsky, A. K. Guber, D. R. Shelton, and R. L. Hill
EGU2009-10821 Butyltin sorption onto freshwater sediments: from batch experiments to the field values C. Bancon-Montingy, G. Aubert, N. Chahinian, J. Meyer, V. Brunel, and MG. Tournoud
EGU2009-10563 Spatial variation of butyltins in an intermittent French River N. Chahinian, C. Bancon-Montigny, V. Brunel, and MG. Tournoud