Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 15
Chairperson: P. Fraunie
EGU2009-10987 Near-bed Turbulence in the Bottom Boundary Layer of the Coastal Ocean
E. E. Hackett, L. Luznik, A. Nayak, J. Katz, and T. R. Osborn
EGU2009-11733 Oil spills in the ocean studied with multifractal spectra
A.K. Platonov, A.M. Tarquis, and J. Grau
EGU2009-11783 On the dynamical structure of an intermitent wind process: Tehuano events. R.A. Madrigal-Cadavid and F.J. Ocampo-Torres
EGU2009-11758 Flow in the Ebro Delta shelf, Numerical models and laboratory simulations A. Carrillo, P. Fraunie, and N Durand