Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 8
Chairperson: Bruno Zolesi
EGU2009-10383 First joint analysis of high-latitude SuperDARN data and mid-latitude Irkutsk Incoherent scatter radar observations during September 25-26, 1998 geomagnetic storm O.I. Berngardt, K.V. Grkovich, A. Grocott, M. Lester, and S.E. Milan
EGU2009-4138 Aurora triggering by high-power radio emission from the SURA facility as observed on board the International Space Station. Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, V.D. Kuznetsov, G.F. Karabadzhak, Yu.A. Plastinin, B.A. Khmelinin, V.L. Frolov, and G.P. Komrakov
EGU2009-6664 Electrodynamics of an Omega-Band Determined With the Local KRM Method H. Vanhamäki, K. Kauristie, O. Amm, A. Senior, D. Lummerzheim, and S. Milan
EGU2009-3860 The Temporal Evolution of O(1D) Emission in Ionospheric Modification Experiments K. S. Kalogerakis and E. B. Byler
EGU2009-11708 An effect of the 27 days solar rotation period on the electron density in the upper and topside ionosphere D Bilitza, V Truhlik, and L Triskova
EGU2009-8782 Mesoscale structure in ion-neutral coupling over Svalbard A.L. Aruliah, E.M. Griffin, H.-C.I. Yiu, I. McWhirter, A. Charalambous, I.W. McCrea, and V.S.C. Howells