Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 36
Chairperson: O. Mandic, M. Wagreich
EGU2009-5675 Record of Cenozoic sedimentation from the Amanos Mountains, Southern Turkey: implications for the inception and evolution of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision S. J Boulton
EGU2009-8949 Comparison of precipitation estimates from plant and large mammal proxies for the European Neogene J.T. Eronen, T. Utescher, K. Puolamäki, and A. Micheels
EGU2009-9261 The stratotype of the Early Miocene Ottnangian stage revised P. Grunert, A. Soliman, S. Čorič, W.E. Piller, and M. Harzhauser
EGU2009-11147 A new small-mammal biostratigraphy and high-resolution chronostratigraphic model for the Upper Freshwater Molasse of the eastern part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Bavaria, Germany) M. Boehme, H. Abdul Aziz, V. Bachtadse, J. Prieto, A. Rocholl, A. Ulbig, and J.R. Wijbrans
EGU2009-1419 Characteristics of subtropic karstic Dinaride Lake in its unstable geothectonic regime N. Krstic
EGU2009-13297 Quantitative Estimates of Temporal Mixing across a 4th-order Depositional Sequence: Variation in Time-averaging along the Holocene Marine Succession of the Po Plain, Italy D. Scarponi, D. Kaufman, J. Bright, and M. Kowalewski