Attendance Time: Monday, 20 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
EGU2009-2201 Quaternary landforms in the Danish sector of the southern North-Sea depicted in 3D-seismic data D. Westerschulte, S. Back, L. Reuning, P. Kukla, and F. Lehmkuhl
EGU2009-9723 Pleistocene tunnel valleys in the German North Sea - geometry, morphology and origin R. Lutz, S. Kalka, J. Arfai, and Chr. Gaedicke
EGU2009-4440 Submarine push moraine formation during the early Fennoscandian Ice Sheet deglaciation J.S. Laberg, R.S. Eilertsen, G.R. Salomonsen, and T.O. Vorren
EGU2009-4506 Pockmarks in Spitsbergen fjords M. Forwick, N.J. Baeten, and T.O. Vorren
EGU2009-8197 The bottom topography and dynamics of the Obskaya and Baydaratskaya Bays, Kara Sea A. Ermolov, A. Noskov, and S. Ogorodov
EGU2009-7807 Submarine salt flows in the central Red Sea N. C. Mitchell, M. Ligi, V. Ferrante, E. Bonatti, and E. Rutter
EGU2009-7937 Seafloor erosion at the top of the gas hydrate stability zone on Rock Garden, Hikurangi Margin - a review of possible mechanisms
I. A. Pecher, S. A. Henrys, G. J. Crutchley, S. Ellis, S. Geiger, A. R. Gorman, M. Fohrmann, and N. Kukowski
EGU2009-8137 Sediment transport off Senegal: A complex interplay of large scale mass wasting, channelized transport and bottom current activity J. Geersen, S. Krastel, R. Henrich, and R. Pierau
EGU2009-4134 Local and regional slope instability inferred from sea-floor morphology at accretive and erosive convergent margins: case studies of the offshore Hikurangi and Peru fore-arcs N. Kukowski, J. Greinert, S. Hoth, and S. Henrys
EGU2009-11535 Distribution and nature of mass movements along the Middle America Trench R. Harders, J.H. Behrmann, and W. Weinrebe
EGU2009-9245 Acoustic investigations of a landward facing slope failure off Chile A. Anasetti, S. Krastel, W. Weinrebe, I. Klaucke, and J. Bialas
EGU2009-10904 Seismic Structure of Shallow Sediments at the Nascent Ridge Vent Site, Makran Deformation Front, Offshore Pakistan N. Fekete, V. Spiess, F. Ding, M. Bruening, B. Murton, and H. Sahling
EGU2009-12468 Cold-water coral carbonate mounds and associated habitats of the Chella Seamount (Alboran Sea - SW Mediterranean)
C. Lo Iacono, R. Bartolomé, E. Gràcia, X. Monteys, H. Perea, A. Gori, and EVENT-Shelf Team
EGU2009-2299 Quaternary tectonic and sedimentary history of the shelf area between the Saros and Edremit Troughs, NE Aegean Turkey B. Alpar
EGU2009-9941 Geophysical investigations of the Southeast Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy): high resolution DTM of the Marsili seamount G. Milano, S. Passaro, and E. Marsella
EGU2009-5301 Sublacustrine river valley in the shelf zone of the Black Sea parallel to the Bulgarian coast A. Preisinger, S. Aslanian, R. Beigelbeck, and W.-D. Heinitz
EGU2009-10646 Morphologic and structural evolution of the Algerian Margin since Messinian (-6 Myr); First results of a new experimental approach.
S. Dominguez, P. Strzerzynski, J. Déverchère, A. Boudiaf, and K. Yelles
EGU2009-12685 Tectonic control and mass-wasting processes along S. Vicente Canyon (SW Iberia): evidences from multibeam bathymetry and seismic reflection data V. Valadares, C. Roque, and P. Terrinha
EGU2009-10238 Characterization and classification of the erosional shapes of submarine canyon systems D. Vachtman and N.C. Mitchell
EGU2009-13161 Morphology of Submarine Canyons in the Palomares Margin (East of Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean) S. Perez-Hernandez, M.C. Comas, and C. Escutia