Monday, 3 May 2010
Room 12
Chairperson: Luisa Molina
EGU2010-15169 Climate change and air pollution in megacities: A challenge for interdisciplinary research
Peter Suppan and B.R. Gurjar
EGU2010-8356 Particle pollution in Beijing: features, source and secondary formation Min Hu, Song Guo, Dingli Yue, Weiwei Hu, Tong Zhu, Yuanhang Zhang, Alfred Wiedensohler, and Yutaka Kondo
EGU2010-12449 Aerosol hygroscopicity distribution concept and its applications in the cloud parcel modeling of CCN activation in the megacity air of Beijing Hang Su, Diana Rose, Ya Fang Cheng, Sachin S. Gunthe, Maria Berghof, Birgit Wehner, Andreas Massling, Alfred Wiedensohler, Meinrat O. Andreae, and Ulrich Pöschl and the Hygroscopicity Distribution Team
EGU2010-12117 Impacts of Roadway Emissions on Urban Fine Particle Exposures: the Nairobi Area Traffic Contribution to Air Pollution (NATCAP) Study Michael Gatari, Nicole Ngo, Peter Ndiba, and Patrick Kinney
EGU2010-12334 Impact of megacities on the regional air quality: A South American case study Claas Teichmann and Daniela Jacob
EGU2010-2466 Ambient Particulate Matter during MILAGRO in Mexico City: Main Findings, Impacts (on AQ and Climate), and Future Research Needs
Press & Media Jose-Luis Jimenez, James J. Schauer, Luisa T. Molina, and MILAGRO PM Team
EGU2010-14043 In depth analysis of the role of the mountain gap south of the Valley of Mexico on the air quality in Mexico City. Luis Gerardo Ruiz Suarez and the Tenango
EGU2010-11256 A top-down approach to determine carbon monoxide (CO) emissions in the Mexico Megacity using ground based FTIR solar and lunar absorption spectroscopy Wolfgang Stremme, Ivan Ortega, Agustin Garcia, and Michel Grutter
EGU2010-14291 Constraining aerosol radiative forcing - is urban outflow special? K. Sebastian Schmidt, Peter Pilewskie, Jens Redemann, Philip Russell, Robert Bergstrom, Eike Bierwirth, and Manfred Wendisch
EGU2010-5517 Modeling Particulates and Direct Radiative Forcing from Urban to Synoptic Scales Downwind of Mexico City Jerome Fast, Manishkumar Shrivastava, Rahul Zaveri, and James Barnard
EGU2010-11547 Impact of growing urbanization on air quality and climate in the East Mediterranean - An overview of the first results from the CITYZEN project
Maria Kanakidou and the CITYZEN East Mediterranean team
EGU2010-9602 Quantification of air pollution levels and their sources for the Eastern Mediterranean: a megacity perspective Ulas Im and the CITYZEN- East Mediterranean
EGU2010-840 Trends in tropospheric NO2 over megacities in the Mediterranean and Middle East from GOME and SCIAMACHY Andreas Hilboll, Mihalis Vrekoussis, Andreas Richter, and John P. Burrows
EGU2010-4570 Are megacity's oxidizing environments changing? Erika von Schneidemesser and Paul Monks
EGU2010-9452 A joint modelling exercise designed to assess the respective impact of emission changes and meteorological variability on the observed air quality trends in major urban hotspots. Augustin Colette, Bertrand Bessagnet, Ariela Dangiola, Massimo D'Isidoro, Michael Gauss, Claire Granier, Øivind Hodnebrog, Hermann Jakobs, Maria Kanakidou, Fahim Khokhar, Kathy Law, Alberto Maurizi, Frederik Meleux, Michael Memmesheimer, Agnes Nyiri, Laurence Rouil, Frode Stordal, and Francesco Tampieri
EGU2010-8825 Bridging the scales in atmospheric composition simulations using a nudging technique
Massimo D'Isidoro, Alberto Maurizi, Felicita Russo, and Francesco Tampieri
EGU2010-13353 The Paris MEGAPOLI campaign to better quantify organic aerosol formation in a large agglomeration: first results
Matthias Beekmann, Urs Baltensperger, Jean Sciare, Valérie Gros, Agnes Borbon, Alexander Baklanov, Mark Lawrence, and Spyros Pandis and the MEGAPOLI Paris-campaign team
EGU2010-5551 Combined use of mobile based and satellite observations for the characterisation and quantification of Paris pollution during July 2009 Reza Shaiganfar, Steffen Beirle, Thirry Marbach, and Thomas Wagner
EGU2010-4709 Mobile lidar within the framework of MEGAPOLI summer experiment Philippe ROYER, Patrick CHAZETTE, and Jean-Christophe RAUT
EGU2010-10814 Modelling of Organic Aerosol with the Volatility-Basis-Set approach during the MEGAPOLI Summer Campaign in the Paris Region Qijie ZHANG and Matthias BEEKMANN and the MEGAPOLI AMS team
EGU2010-13050 Large-eddy simulation of the urban boundary layer in the MEGAPOLI Paris Plume experiment Igor Esau