Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 5
Chairperson: Bryn Hubbard; Stefan Vogel
Seasonal evolution of subglacial drainage and acceleration in a Greenland outlet glacier
(withdrawn) Peter Nienow, Douglas Mair, Ian Bartholomew, Andrew Sole, Tom Cowton, Matt King, and Alun Hubbard
EGU2010-821 Subglacial processes of an Antarctic palaeo-ice stream Benedict Reinardy, Tavi Murray, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, John Hiemstra, and Rob Larter
EGU2010-10478 Step-wise subglacial deposition and deformation of glaciofluvial sediments along a palaeo-ice stream corridor: glacier bed decoupling-recoupling cycles controlled by basal water pressure. Jerome-Etienne Lesemann, G. Ian Alsop, and Jan A. Piotrowski
EGU2010-15082 Grounding-line Deposystems - Sediment fluxes, Geometries and Ice Stability Ross Powell
EGU2010-4607 Ice deformation measurements in boreholes on Rhonegletscher Arne Keller and Martin Funk
EGU2010-12284 Water at the bed of Pine Island Glacier Julian Scott, Andy Smith, Tom Jordan, Fausto Ferraccioli, Rob Bingham, and David Vaughan