Monday, 3 May 2010
Room 2
Chairperson: Gábor Molnár
EGU2010-1 Possible projection of the map of Lazarus (1528) G. Timár, G. Molnár, B. Székely, and K. Plihál
EGU2010-5310 Can we follow the neotectonic activity of the Hluboká-fault by reconstructing the evolution of the Vltava river course? - Mapping of fluvial terraces around the Budejovice-basin using historic maps Dana Homolova, Johanna Lomax, Ivan Prachar, Petr Spacek, Andras Zamolyi, and Kurt Decker
EGU2010-11370 The Plans of the Thirty Year's War Battlefields in the Czech Republic in the Work Theatrum EuropaeumPress & Media Vaclav Matousek and Tereza Blazkova
EGU2010-11253 GIS integration of the 1:2880 Stabile cadastre map sheets from Bukovina Vasile Crăciunescu, Constantin Nițu, Gábor Timár, Alin Boicu, and Ioan Rus
EGU2010-5265 Old italian reference systems and their applications Valerio Baiocchi and Keti Lelo
EGU2010-2383 The Danube Mappation of Hungary (1823-45) and its georeferencing method János Mészáros