Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 29
Chairperson: Olaf Ippisch
EGU2010-14106 Percolation and hysteresis in macroscopic capillarity
Rudolf Hilfer
EGU2010-9033 Vapor intrusion from entrapped NAPL sources and groundwater plumes Tissa H. Illangasekare, Toshihiro Sakaki, John Christ, Bejamin Petri, Carolyn Sauck, and Abdullah Cihan
EGU2010-14062 Use of Analytical Solutions to Optimize Simulation of Multicomponent Three-Phase Displacements Tara LaForce
EGU2010-14763 Henry' law and gaz phase disappearance solved as a complementarity problem I. Ben Gharbia, Jean-Charles Gilbert, and Jérômé Jaffré
EGU2010-14567 Tracing the entrapped air in heterogeneous soil by MRI Michal Snehota, Milena Cislerova, M. H. Gao Amin, and Lawrence D. Hall
EGU2010-14385 Influence of soil structure on unsaturated water flow including root uptake Anna Kuhlmann, Insa Neuweiler, Sjoerd van der Zee, and Rainer Helmig