Attendance Time: Friday, 7 May 2010, 13:30–15:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Rainer Helmig
EGU2010-6062 High-resolution lab experiment on solute transport through vadose zone into groundwater Steffen Heberle, Jens Buchner, and Kurt Roth
EGU2010-10595 A high-resolution non-invasive approach to determine transport of oxygen across the capillary fringe Christina Haberer, Massimo Rolle, and Peter Grathwohl
EGU2010-8211 Multiphase reactive flow in the capillary fringe
Peter Bastian and Olaf Ippisch
EGU2010-15261 Time series analyses of gas-bubble residence time in porous media Detlef Lazik, Gunnar Krauss, Helmut Geistlinger, and Hans-Jörg Vogel
EGU2010-8408 An accurate and efficient scheme for micro scale simulations of multi phase flow Felix Heimann, Christian Engwer, Olaf Ippisch, and Peter Bastian
EGU2010-14941 A model for two-phase flow in a porous medium with fractures Jean E. Roberts, Jérôme Jaffré, and Mokhles Mnejja
EGU2010-10607 Simulation of two-phase flow in porous media using mimetic finite difference methods
Peter Bastian, Olaf Ippisch, Sven Marnach, and I. Sorin Pop
EGU2010-14902 Models for large-scale Simulation of CO2-Storage in geological Formations
Holger Class and Lena Walter
EGU2010-6764 Dynamics of Resident and Infiltrating Water in Porous Media: Effect of Grain Size, Initial Water Content and Flow Rate Maxime Gouet-Kaplan, Gilboa Arye, and Brian Berkowitz
EGU2010-15318 Infiltration and drainage in the unsaturated zone: comparison of numerical simulations to a monitored field experiment
Alexandros Papafotiou, Christina Ganz, Sven Altfelder, Ursula Noell, and Insa Neuweiler