Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 42
Chairperson: Joel Savarino, Matthew Johnson
EGU2010-3841 Tracing the fate of atmospheric nitrate deposited onto a forest ecosystem in eastern Asia using triple oxygen isotopes
Urumu Tsunogai, Daisuke D. Komatsu, Satoko Daita, Gholam Abbas Kazemi, Fumiko Nakagawa, Izumi Noguchi, and Jing Zhang
EGU2010-10724 Diurnal variations in the nitrogen and oxygen isotope composition of aerosol nitrate Alison Bateman and Jan Kaiser
EGU2010-1650 First Long term Record of the Mass Independent Isotopic Composition of Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide Mark Thiemens
EGU2010-13920 Experimental determination of the exponent beta for oxygen triple isotope fractionation between carbon dioxide and water Magdalena Hofmann, Balázs Horváth, and Andreas Pack
EGU2010-13295 Photochemical self-shielding as a source of non-mass-dependent isotope fractionation James Lyons, Glenn Stark, Doug Blackie, Juliet Pickering, and Alan Heays
EGU2010-12054 Mercury stable isotope fractionation in a tropical ecosystem including human hair: New insights for an isotope balance
Laure Laffont, Jeroen Sonke, Laurence Maurice, and Philippe Behra