Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 42
Chairperson: Astrid Kiendler-Scharr
EGU2010-3752 Shipboard measurements and modelling of the distribution of CH4 and 13CH4 in the Western Pacific David Lowe, Tony Bromley, Bill Allan, Ross Martin, Rowena Moss, and Hamish Struthers
EGU2010-10664 Chlorine isotope fractionation in stratospheric difluorodichloromethane (CFC-12)
Jan Kaiser, Johannes Laube, Bill Sturges, Andreas Engel, and Harald Bönisch
EGU2010-10122 Bromine isotopes and methyl bromide in the atmosphere Brett F Thornton, Axel Horst, Daniel Carrizo, Henry Holmstrand, Matthew S Johnson, and Örjan Gustafsson
EGU2010-3727 Influence of convection changes on water vapor and its isotope in the tropics Jeonghoon Lee, John Worden, David Noone, Yunsoo Choi, Jung Chae, Kevin Bowman, Allegra LeGrande, Gavin Schmidt, Annmarie Eldering, and Jess Adkins
EGU2010-13758 Stable carbon isotopes - an indicator for heterogeneous aging of organic aerosol? Ulrike Dusek, Rupert Holzinger, and Thomas Röckmann
EGU2010-7947 Temperature dependence of the stable carbon isotope composition of gas- and particle phase components of β-pinene ozonolysis Iulia Gensch, Thorsten Hohaus, Harald Saathoff, Beatrix Kammer, Werner Laumer, Bettina Steitz, Robert Wegener, and Astrid Kiendler-Scharr