Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 32
Chairperson: Heidbach, Bohnhoff
EGU2010-10971 Seismic structure from sea-bottom to mantle top of the North Anatolian fault in the Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey)
Anne Bécel, Mireille Laigle, Alfred Hirn, Gaye Bayrakci, Tuncay Taymaz, and Seda Yolsal-Çevikbilen
EGU2010-5622 Relationship between subsidence history, heat flow and fault activity in the Sea of Marmara
P. Henry, C. Grall, L. Géli, B. Mercier de Lépinay, J.-X. Dessa, and C. André
EGU2010-15089 Characterization of the closely-spaced earthquakes along the North Anatolian Fault Zone, NW Turkey Fatih Bulut, Marco Bohnhoff, William L. Ellsworth, Georg Dresen, and Mustafa Aktar
EGU2010-13476 Seismicity interactions along the North Anatolian Fault Jean Schmittbuhl, Hayrullah Karabulut, Michel Bouchon, Virginie Durand, Olivier Lengliné, Guillaume Daniel, and Marie-Paule Bouin
EGU2010-7709 Linking postseismic and interseismic deformation along the North Anatolian Fault Zone: The role of transient rheology and low-viscosity shear zones
Elizabeth Hearn
EGU2010-14975 3D contemporary regional stress state of the Marmara Sea region and its relation to seismotectonics Tobias Hergert and Oliver Heidbach