Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 8
Chairperson: Anne E. Berns, Pellegrino Conte
EGU2010-2194 Application and Reliability of Solid-State NMR in Environmental Sciences
Heike Knicker
EGU2010-8571 Optimized strategy of 1H and 13C solid-state NMR methods to investigate water dynamics in soil organic matter as well as the influence of crystallinity of poly(methylene) segments Marko Bertmer, Alexander Jaeger, Jette Schwarz, and Gabriele Schaumann
EGU2010-717 Dynamics of water solutions of natural polysaccharides by fast field cycling nmr relaxometry Alena Prusova, Pellegrino Conte, Jiri Kucerik, Claudio De Pasquale, and Giuseppe Alonzo
EGU2010-6554 Magnetic resonance imaging of clays: swelling, sedimentation, dissolution Sergey Dvinskikh and Istvan Furo
EGU2010-6166 Elucidation of meso- and microporosity in soil components with 129-Xe NMR spectroscopy of adsorbed xenon Svetlana Filimonova, Andrey Nossov, Heike Knicker, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner