Attendance Time: Thursday, 6 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Chairperson: Claudio De Pasquale, Gabriele Schaumann, Andreas Pohlmeier
NMR spectroscopy
Hall Z
EGU2010-1887 1H to 13C Energy Transfer in Solid State NMR Spectroscopy of Natural Organic Systems Anne E. Berns and Pellegrino Conte
EGU2010-9116 Application of Spectroscopic Techniques (FT-IR, 13C NMR) to the analysis of humic substances in volcanic soils along an environmental gradient (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) Antonio Rodriguez Rodriguez, Cecilia María Armas Herrera, José Antonio González Pérez, Francisco Javier González-Vila, Carmen Dolores Arbelo Rodríguez, Juan Luis Mora Hernández, and Oliva Polvillo Polo
EGU2010-14895 The combined use of quantum chemical calculations and CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy to investigate soil bound residues of labeled xenobiotics
Hans Lewandowski, Herbert Philipp, Robert J. Meier, Hans-Dieter Narres, and Anne E. Berns
EGU2010-9882 NMR characterization and sorption behavior of agricultural and forest soil humic substances
Chengliang Li, Anne E. Berns, Jean-Marie Séquaris, and Erwin Klumpp
EGU2010-14892 NMR studies on the chemical alteration of soil organic matter precursors during controlled charring Heike Knicker
EGU2010-14894 NMR spectroscopic study of the carbon and nitrogen dynamics of grass-derived pyrogenic organic material during 2.3 years of incubation in soil André Hilscher and Heike Knicker
EGU2010-15468 How does pyrogenic organic matter affect the N dynamic in agricultural soils? An incubation study
José M. de la Rosa and Heike Knicker
Relaxometry and Fast Field Cycling
EGU2010-961 Effects of organic amendments on natural organic matter in bulk soils from an italian agricultural area as assessed by Fast Field Cycling NMR relaxometry Riccardo Scotti, Pellegrino Conte, Giuseppe Alonzo, and Maria A. Rao
EGU2010-12962 Soil organic matter dynamics as characterized with 1H and 13C solid-state NMR techniques Alex Jäger, Jette Schwarz, Marko Bertmer, and Gabriele E. Schaumann
EGU2010-3100 Use of fast field cycling NMR for the evaluation of the interactions between natural organic matter and clay minerals
Pellegrino Conte, Cristina Abbate, Andrea Baglieri, Giuseppe Alonzo, Claudio De Pasquale, Michéle Nègre, and Mara Gennari
EGU2010-15007 Interactions between cations and peat organic matter monitored with NMR wideline, static and FFC NMR relaxometry Gabriele E. Schaumann, Pellegrino Conte, Alexander Jäger, Giuseppe Alonzo, and Marko Bertmer
EGU2010-15355 TiO2-H2O interactions by fast field cycling (FFC) NMR relaxometry Alena Prusova, Claudio De Pasquale, Vittorio Loddo, and Leonardo Palmisano
Imaging techniques
EGU2010-4556 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Imaging Studies on Water Flow in Soil Cores Andreas Pohlmeier, Sabina Haber-Pohlmeier, and Siegfried Stapf
EGU2010-15180 NMR imaging and cryoporometry of swelling clays Sergey V. Dvinskikh, Kosma Szutkowski, Oleg V. Petrov, and István Furó
EGU2010-8354 A slim-line NMR logging tool to measure moisture in soils
Oscar Sucre, Pohlmeier Andreas, and Blümich Bernhard
EGU2010-15100 Determination of the pore size distribution and hydraulic properties from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometry
Laura R. Stingaciu, Lutz Weihermüller, Sabina Haber-Pohlmeier, Siegfried Stapf, Harry Vereecken, and Andreas Pohlmeier
EGU2010-12639 Noninvasive investigation of fluid dynamics on undisturbed soil samples Vladimira Jelinkova, Michal Snehota, Andreas Pohlmeier, Dagmar van Dusschoten, and Milena Cislerova