Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 2
Chairperson: Antonio Coppola
EGU2010-9825 Droplet infiltration dynamics on intact surfaces of preferential flow paths in structured soil
Horst H. Gerke, Martin Leue, and Ruth H. Ellerbrock
EGU2010-413 Modelling rapid flow response of a tile drained hillslope with explicit representation of preferential flow paths and consideration of equifinal model structures Julian Klaus and Erwin Zehe
EGU2010-7843 Statistical analysis of site factors controlling preferential flow and transport in soils John Koestel, Julien Moeys, and Nick Jarvis
EGU2010-6752 Using the dye tracer for visualization of preferential flow in macro and micro-scale Radka Kodesova, Karel Nemecek, Vit Kodes, Miroslav Fer, Veronika Jirku, Antonin Nikodem, Anna Zigova, Ondrej Jaksik, and Martin Kocarek
EGU2010-10514 Exploiting drainage regimes in lysimeters for identifying climate triggers of preferential flow Gavan McGrath, Christoph Hinz, Murugesu Sivapalan, Thomas Puetz, Joachim Dressel, and Harry Vereecken