Attendance Time: Thursday, 6 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall Z
Chairperson: Horst Gerke
EGU2010-5129 An improved scheme for classifying susceptibility to preferential flow Julien Moeys, John Koestel, John M. Hollis, and Nicholas J. Jarvis
EGU2010-2537 Structural unsaturated conductivity related to pore connectivity Miroslav Kutilek
EGU2010-11263 Preferential flow effects on transport and fate of chemicals and microorganisms in soils irrigated with wastewater Rita Puddu, Roberto Corrias, Maria Antonietta Dessena, Marcella Ferralis, Gabriele Marras, Paola Pin, and Paola Spanu
EGU2010-15135 Chloride ion transport in a heterogeneous unsaturated soil: Field study and deterministic-stochastic analysis Angelo Sommella, Alessandro Comegna, and Gerardo Severino
EGU2010-5366 The role of layering induced by tillage on preferential flow in a structured soil Alessandro Comegna, Giovanna Dragonetti, Vincenzo Comegna, Antonio Coppola, Angelo Basile, and Nicola Lamaddalena
EGU2010-5472 1D interpretation of chloride transport at field-scale: the effect of the transport volume on the local-scale and field-scale solute transport mechanism Nicola Lamaddalena, Mohamed Kassab, Samar Hassan, Alessandro Comegna, Giovanna Dragonetti, Vincenzo Comegna, Antonio Coppola, and Angelo Basile
EGU2010-5797 Improved design and optimization of subsurface flow constructed wetlands and sand filters
A. Brovelli, O. Carranza-Díaz, L. Rossi, and D.A. Barry
EGU2010-6765 Impact of land management on soil structure and soil hydraulic properties Radka Kodesova, Veronika Jirku, Antonin Nikodem, Marcela Muhlhanselova, and Anna Zigova
EGU2010-12593 Observation of field- scale preferential flow in soil landscapes with kettle holes as internal drainage system Horst H. Gerke
EGU2010-12104 The role of preferential flow in soils along a hillslope dominated by periglacial slope deposits, Bavarian Forest (Germany) Philip Müller, Benjamin Creutzfeldt, Andreas Güntner, Bruno Merz, Markus Weiler, Juliane Huber, and Jörg Völkel
EGU2010-12722 Comparison of agricultural soils' structure depending on tillage system using X-ray microtomography Eléonore Beckers, Aurore Degré, Sarann Ly, and Angélique Léonard
EGU2010-14641 Hydrological behaviour of microbiotic crusts on sand dunes of NW China: Experimental evidences and numerical simulations Xin Ping Wang, Anna Tedeschi, Nadia Orefice, Roberto De Mascellis, and Massimo Menenti