Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 41
Chairperson: Schulte/Bornemann
EGU2010-11824 Proximal ejecta deposits of the K-Pg Chixulub impact: The case for carbonate impact melt spherules Alex Deutsch and Peter Schulte
EGU2010-11379 Ecosystems response and restitution time across the K/Pg boundary transition at high-latitudes, Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand - a palynological approach Pi Willumsen and Vivi Vajda
EGU2010-2197 Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum and Eocene Thermal Maximum 2: hyperthermals of one kind? Lucy Stap, Lucas Lourens, Ellen Thomas, Appy Sluijs, Steven Bohaty, and James Zachos
EGU2010-10272 Temperature and salinity evolution of marginal marine surface waters during early Paleogene hyperthermals: new PETM sections and intercomparison of temperature proxies Appy Sluijs, Peter Bijl, Linda van Roij, Ursula Röhl, Jocelyn Sessa, Guy Harrington, Gert-Jan Reichart, Lucas Lourens, Jaap Sinninghe Damsté, and Linda Anderson and the James Zachos(8), Henk Brinkhuis (1) and Stefan Schouten (7)
EGU2010-12767 Modifications in calcareous nannofossil assemblages during the Early Eocene: a tethyan perspective. Claudia Agnini, Domenico Rio, Edoardo Dallanave, David J.A. Spofforth, Giovanni Muttoni, and Heiko Pälike
EGU2010-10262 Early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) temperatures in the Belgian Basin inferred from otolith stable isotope geochemistry Daan Vanhove, Robert Pieter Speijer, and Etienne Steurbaut