Attendance Time: Thursday, 6 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall Z
Chairperson: Schulte/Bornemann
EGU2010-8419 From the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM): New Insights from the Wadi Nukhul Section (Sinai, Egypt) Hassan Khozyem, Thierry Adatte, Jorge Spangenberg, Karl Föllmi, and Abdel Aziz Tantawy
EGU2010-8463 The record of Tethyan planktonic foraminifera at the early Paleogene hyperthermal events and Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in northeastern Italy: are they comparable? Valeria Luciani, Luca Giusberti, Claudia Agnini, Eliana Fornaciari, and Domenico Rio
EGU2010-8805 Restructuring of benthic foraminiferal communities at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: the Forada record (NE Italy)
Luca Giusberti, Flavia Boscolo Galazzo, Claudia Agnini, Jan Backman, Eliana Fornaciari, Valeria Luciani, Domenico Rio, and Fabio Tateo
EGU2010-10373 The Paleocene - Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Gulf of Mexico Linda van Roij, Appy Sluijs, Stefan Schouten, Gert-Jan Reichart, Jocelyn Sessa, Guy Harrington, and Henk Brinkhuis
EGU2010-10446 Detection and characterization of early Eocene hyperthermals using benthic foraminiferal associations and stable isotopes at DSDP Site 401, Bay of Biscay, North East Atlantic Simon D'haenens, André Bornemann, Ursula Röhl, and Robert Pieter Speijer
EGU2010-11964 A Detailed Study of the Drastic Worldwide Climatic Change by the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/T)-Impact of Chicxulub Anton Preisinger, Selma Aslanian, Fritz Grass, Roman Beigelbeck, and Johann Wernisch
EGU2010-12638 Ypresian microfossils and paleoenvironment in the Corbieres (Aude, France) continental margin record and the identification of an early Eocene hyperthermal event Claudius Pirkenseer, Etienne Steurbaut, Chris King, and Robert Speijer
EGU2010-13049 The Top Chron C27n Event in the Western Atlantic: Evidence for a transient perturbation of the carbon cycle in the Late Danian? Peter Schulte, André Bornemann, and Robert P. Speijer
EGU2010-13471 The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the shallow northeastern Mexican foreland basins: Evidence for paleoseismic liquefaction, tsunami deposition, and Chicxulub ejecta Peter Schulte, Jan Smit, Alex Deutsch, Andrea Friese, and Kilian Beichel