Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 22
Chairperson: Kopylova, Bulanova
EGU2010-5268 Mineral inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds from Juina, Brazil: Subducted protoliths, carbonated melts and protokimberlite magmatism Michael Walter, Galina Bulanova, Chris Smith, Lora Armstrong, Simon Kohn, Jon Blundy, and Luiz Gobbo
EGU2010-13549 Oxygen fugacities determined from iron oxidation state in natural (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase: new insights into lower mantle diamond formation Micaela Longo, Catherine McCammon, Galina Bulanova, Felix Kaminsky, and Ralf Tappert
EGU2010-2872 Diamond Formation in Dehydration Zones in the deep Upper Mantle and Lower Mantle Ben Harte
EGU2010-4578 Origin of diamond and growth inclusions thereof on evidence derived from physicochemical experiment Yuriy Litvin
EGU2010-478 Chloride-bearing liquids and partial melting of mantle eclogites: experimental study and application to the diamond-forming processes. Oleg Safonov
EGU2010-4741 X-ray diffraction study of the mineralogy of microinclusions in fibrous diamond Evan Smith, Maya Kopylova, and Leonid Dubrovinksy
EGU2010-3679 Oxygen distribution and speciation in bulk of monocrystalline diamonds and its correlations with other impurities Andrei Shiryaev, Michael Wiedenbeck, and Thomas Hainschwang
EGU2010-5359 Understanding the source: The nitrogen isotope composition of Type II mantle diamonds Sami Mikhail, Dan Howell, Adrian Jones, Judith Milledge, and Sasha Verchovsky
EGU2010-7521 Structural forms of the titanium defects in diamonds of different habitus Mariana Rakhmanova, Vladimir Nadolinny, Olga Yuryeva, Vladislav Shatsky, Dmitry Zedgenizov, and Alexey Ragozin
EGU2010-15645 The diamondiferous xenoliths from kimberlites of Yakutia: a key for the diamonds origin Zdislav V. Spetsius and Oleg E. Kovalchuck
EGU2010-6822 Cathodoluminescence of diamond as an indicator of its metamorphic history Maya Kopylova, Loryn Bruce, Micaela Longo, John Ryder, and Larissa Dobrzhinetskaya
EGU2010-7514 An atomic force microscopy study of diamond dissolution features: the effect of H2O and CO2 in the fluid on diamond morphology Yana Fedortchouk, Murli Manghnani, Anwar Hushur, and Fabrizio Nestola