Attendance Time: Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall XL
Chairperson: Bulanova, Chris Smith
EGU2010-3324 Origins of diamond-forming fluids: An isotopic and trace element study of diamonds and silicates from diamondiferous xenoliths Fernando Laiginhas, D. Graham Pearson, John McNeill, John Gurney, Geoff Nowell, and Chris Ottley
EGU2010-3502 Inclusions of chlorides in natural diamonds from Siberia Sergey Titkov, Igor Ryabchikov, Bogdan Pomazansky, and Larisa Magazina
EGU2010-4838 Diamonds from Juina-5 kimberlite, Brazil Debora Araujo, Galina Bulanova, Chris Smith, Mike Walter, and Simon Kohn
EGU2010-9303 Organic-looking' carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions in mantle derived diamondites: Mantle fractionation vs. re-worked crustal organics? Sami Mikhail, Gabor Dubosi, Sahsa Verchovsky, Adrian Jones, and Gero Kurat
EGU2010-671 Accelerated aggregation of donor nitrogen in diamond containing NV centers
Sergey Lobanov, Victor Vins, Alexander Yelisseev, Dmitry Afonin, Alexander Blinkov, and Yuriy Maximov
EGU2010-2057 An automated technique for detailed μ-FTIR mapping of diamond and spectral deconvolution
Dan Howell, Bill Griffin, Craig O'Neill, Suzanne O'Reilly, Norman Pearson, and Heather Handley
EGU2010-8665 First in-situ single-crystal structure refinement of a garnet included in diamond Fabrizio Nestola, Paolo Nimis, Micaela Longo, Maya Kopylova, Andrea De Stefano, Andrea Marzoli, Yana Fedortchouk, Murli Manghnani, and Jeff W. Harris
EGU2010-3981 Changes in the content and crystal morphology of diamonds from Paleozoic and Mesozoic kimberlits in the northeastern Yakutian kimberlite province Anastasia Biller, Alexander Smelov, and Albert Zaitsev
EGU2010-4281 Topomineralogy of the Siberian diamonds
Valentin Afanasyev, Sergey Lobanov, Koptil Vasiliy, Pomazanskiy Bogdan, Gerasimchuk Alexander, and Pokhilenko Nikolay
EGU2010-8238 Survival of Brown Colour in Diamond During Storage in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Evan Smith, Herwart Helmstaedt, and Roberta Flemming
EGU2010-3875 First kimberlite pipe in Central Yakutia (Russia) Alexander Smelov, Albert Zaitsev, and Igor Ashchepkov
EGU2010-6486 A tale of two diamond hosts - Kimozero and Dachine Chris Smith, Galina Bulanova, Vladimir Ushkov, and Luiz Gobbo
EGU2010-6835 Diamonds in an Archean greenstone belt: Diamond suites in unconventional rocks of Wawa, Northern Ontario (Canada) Maya Kopylova, Loryn Bruce, and John Ryder
EGU2010-10415 OH and CO2 diffusion profiles in garnets around two dimensional defect structures from eclogitic xenoliths from the Rovic diamond mine, South Africa Jessika Potgieter, Holger Sommer, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, and Biliana Gasharova
EGU2010-7414 Petrochemical types of kimberlites and their diamond-bearing capacity Sergey Kostrovitsky
EGU2010-10225 Weertman cracks and the fast extraction of diamonds from the Earth's mantle with a speed of about 800 km/h Holger Sommer, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, and Oliver Gaede
EGU2010-1436 Detecting of the processes of the diamond formation using the monomineral thermobarometry . Igor Ashchepkov, Valentin Afanasiev, Lyudmila Pokhilenko, Alla Logvinova, and Nikolai Vladykin