Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 31
Chairperson: Hans-Peter Bunge, Frederik Tilmann
EGU2010-11333 Deep 3D structure within the Nankai Trough and implications for the seismogenic zone
Nathan Bangs
EGU2010-5708 Deep seismic reflection profiling of the subduction megathrust across the Sagimi trough and Tokyo bay, Japan Hiroshi Sato, Takaya Iwasaki, Susumu Abe, Hideo Saito, Taku Kawanaka, and Naoshi Hirata
EGU2010-8171 The Fine Structure of the Subducted Investigator Ridge in Western Sumatra Dietrich Lange, Frederik Tilmann, Andreas Rietbrock, Rachel Collings, Danny Natawidjaja, Bambang Suwargadi, Tim Henstock, and Trod Ryberg
EGU2010-13619 An oceanic plateau subduction: A case study offshore Eastern Java. Alexey Shulgin, Heidrun Kopp, Christian Mueller, Lars Planert, Ewald Lueschen, Ernst Flueh, and Yusuf Djajadihardja
EGU2010-14042 Monte Carlo estimation of slip on historical subduction earthquakes and interplate coupling distributions. John McCloskey and Mairead McCloskey,
EGU2010-2987 Rapid Forearc Basin Subsidence and Bordering Splay Fault Systems may identify Nucleation Areas of High-Magnitude Earthquakes and Tsunamis—The Example of the Atka forearc basin sector of the Aleutian Subduction Zone
David W. Scholl, Holly Ryan, Katie M. Keranen, Ray E. Wells, Stephen H. Kirby, and Roland von Huene
EGU2010-5849 Sedimentology, paleontology and age of the Ayacara and Lago Ranco formations (south-central Chile, 40º- 42ºS). Tectonic implications. Alfonso Encinas, Patricio Zambrano, Pablo Bernabe, Kenneth Finger, Luis Buatois, Paul Duhart, Victor Valencia, M Fanning, and Francisco Herve
EGU2010-4107 Links between fluid circulation and deformation in erosive subduction channels: constraints from Paola Vannucchi, Francesca Remitti, Chiara Boschi, Giuseppe Bettelli, and Luigi Dallai
EGU2010-11453 Material trajectories in the frontal part of an ancient subduction channel Francesca Remitti, Paola Vannucchi, Maria Laura Balestrieri, and Giuseppe Bettelli
EGU2010-9531 New GPS velocity field in the northern Andes (Ecuador - Colombia) : partial locking along the subduction and northeastward escape of the Northern Andean Block jean-mathieu nocquet, Patricia Mothes, Chlieh Mohamed, Paul Jarrin, Vallee Martin, Gorki Rui, and Marc Regnier