Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 9
Chairperson: Francois Dulac
EGU2010-6540 Chemical and physical properties of aerosols in the Sahel: New knowledge and remaining uncertainties as found in the framework of the AMMA programme
Paola Formenti
EGU2010-12588 Radiative Effects and Feedbacks of Saharan Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosol over West Africa and the Northern Tropical Atlantic Bernd Heinold, Ina Tegen, Stefan Bauer, and Manfred Wendisch
EGU2010-2265 Impact of the Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on the Asian summer monsoon using ICTP-Regional Climate Model (RegCM) Ashraf Zakey, Filippo Giorgi, and Xunqiang Bi
EGU2010-7339 Global distribution of minerals in arid soils as lower boundary condition in dust models Slobodan Nickovic
EGU2010-5905 Remote sensing of the aerosol in Cairo (Egypt): compositional variability and impact on the atmospheric transfer of solar radiation Stephane Alfaro, Mossad El-Metwally, Olivier Favez, Bernadette Chatenet, and Magdy Abdel Wahab
EGU2010-15462 Physical, chemical and optical properties of mixed aerosols on Djougou (Northern Benin) during the AMMA dry season experiment (SOP-0). Effect on the local direct radiative forcing Marc Mallet and the AMMA