Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 32
Chairperson: B.Marcaillou, J.-Y. Collot, A. Hirn, P. Vannucchi, E.Flueh, A. Calahorrano
Lesser Antilles
EGU2010-11248 An integrated approach to the seismic activity and structure of the central Lesser Antilles subduction megathrust seismogenic zone Alfred Hirn, Mireille Laigle, Philippe Charvis, Ernst Flueh, Josep Gallart, Edi Kissling, Jean-Frederic Lebrun, Rinaldo Nicolich, and Maria Sachpazi
EGU2010-11002 A 80 OBS and 30 Land 3-component seismometers array encompassing the 280 km segment of the Lesser Antilles subduction megathrust seismogenic zone: view of current seismicity Mireille Laigle, Martine Sapin, Mario Ruiz, Jordi Diaz, Edi Kissling, Philippe Charvis, Ernst Flueh, and Alfred Hirn
EGU2010-8671 Deep structure of the central Lesser Antilles Island Arc South of Guadeloupe Wolfgang Weinzierl, Heidrun Kopp, Ernst Flueh, Dirk Klaeschen, Mireille Laigle, Philippe Charvis, and Mikael Evain
EGU2010-13105 A 3D seismic tomography of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone offshore Dominica and Martinique islands Mikaël Evain, Audrey Galve, Philippe Charvis, Mireille Laigle, Ernst Flueh, and Wolfgang Weinzierl
EGU2010-11659 The Mw = 6.3, November 21, 2004, Les Saintes earthquake (Guadeloupe): Tectonic setting and static stress modeling
Nathalie Feuillet, François Beauducel, Eric Jacques, Paul Tapponnier, Sara Bazin, Bertrand Delouis, Martin Vallée, and Geoffrey C. P. King
EGU2010-5136 Modeling of Marine Natural Hazards in the Lesser Antilles
Narcisse Zahibo, Irina Nikolkina, and Efim Pelinovsky
Central America
EGU2010-15038 Intra-Arc extension in Central America: Links between plate motions, tectonics, volcanism, and geochemistry Jason Phipps Morgan, Cesar ranero, and Paola Vannucchi
EGU2010-5216 Constraints on the seismogenesis of the Nicaragua 1992 slow tsunamigenic earthquake based on seismic travel-time tomography models Adrià Meléndez, Valentí Sallarès, César R. Ranero, Kirk McIntosh, Ingo Grevemeyer, and Manel Prada
Ecuador - Colombia
EGU2010-9982 Where is the subduction fault ? : Insights from a PSDM seismic line across the Ecuador convergent margin Jean-Yves Collot, Alexandra Ribodetti, William Agudelo, and Françoise Sage
EGU2010-12091 3D structure at the front of the Colombia-Ecuador subduction zone and relation with the 1958 earthquake rupture zone Audrey Galve, Lina Garcia Cano, and Philippe Charvis
EGU2010-4298 Monitoring seismic and silent faulting along the Atacama Fault System and its relation to the subduction zone seismic cycle: A Creepmeter Study in N-CHile Pia Victor, Thomas Ziegenhagen, Christoph Bach, Thomas Walter, and Onno Oncken
EGU2010-13323 Monitoring the northern Chile megathrust with the Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) Bernd Schurr, Günter Asch, Beatrice Cailleau, Guillermo Chong Diaz, Sergio Barrientos, Jean-Pierre Vilotte, and Onno Oncken