Attendance Time: Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall Z
Chairperson: Elodie Tronche, Ruth Ziethe
EGU2010-1865 The Strange Case of Corot-7b Ruth Ziethe, Peter Wurz, and Helmut Lammer
EGU2010-9505 CIDGA - Coupling of Interior Dynamic models with Global Atmosphere models Lena Noack, Ana-Catalina Plesa, and Doris Breuer
EGU2010-466 Possible primitive origin of carbonate in CAI of Murchison carbonaceous chondrite
Kentaro Kudo, Hirokazu Fujimaki, Yuji Sano, and Naoto Takahata
EGU2010-5659 Terrestrial Lava Lake Physical Parameter Estimation Using a Silicate Cooling Model - Implications for a Return to the Volcanic Moon, Io Ashley Davies
EGU2010-11700 Saturnian Earth-like worlds, Titan and Enceladus: a surficial comparative study. Anezina Solomonidou, Athena Coustenis, Emmanuel Bratsolis, Georgios Bampasidis, Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos, and Xenophon Moussas
EGU2010-12656 Comparing Earth and Titan's atmospheric inventory Georgios Bampasidis, Athena Coustenis, Anezina Solomonidou, Xenophon Moussas, and Panagiota Preka-Papadema
EGU2010-14737 Towards an open-source tool dedicated to the representation of gravitational interaction with neighbouring celestial bodies in planetary sciences Antony Trinh and Veronique Dehant
EGU2010-5212 Distribution of megablocks in the Ries crater, Germany: Remote sensing and field analysis Sebastian Sturm, Malte Willmes, Harald Hiesinger, Thomas Kenkmann, and Gisela Pösges
EGU2010-10107 Crystallization of an iron-rich and aluminium-poor Lunar Magma Ocean. Elodie Tronche and Wim van Westrenen
EGU2010-8321 New Absorption Bands of the Carbon Dioxide Isotopologues in Venus Spectra
Severine Robert, Arnaud Mahieux, Valerie Wilquet, Rachel Drummond, Ann-Carine Vandaele, Yu. Borkov, V. I. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, and Jean-Loup Bertaux
EGU2010-9224 Lithium systematics in tektites and impact glasses - implications for their sources, lunar and martian meteorites Tomas Magna, Alex Deutsch, Roman Skála, Klaus Mezger, Hans-Michael Seitz Seitz, Leonie Adolph, Zdenek Randa, and Jiri Mizera
EGU2010-12609 LA-ICP-MS analysis of trace elements in glass spherules of the El'gygytgyn impact structure, Siberia Leonie Adolph and Alex Deutsch
EGU2010-14948 The Effect of Surface Roughness on XRF and XRD: Modelling and Experiment Graeme Hansford, K.S. Hill, R.M. Ambrosi, and J.C. Bridges
EGU2010-3460 The PSA: Planetary Science Archive Maud BARTHELEMY, Harold Metselaar, Santa Martinez, David Heather, Jose Luis Vazquez, Nicolas Manaud, Iñaki Ortiz, Christophe Arviset, and Pedro Osuna
EGU2010-7597 Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG)
Sanjay Limaye and Sue Smrekar
EGU2010-4044 Well known outstanding geoid and relief depressions as regular wave woven features on Eartg (Indian geoid minimum), Moon (SPA basin), Phobos (Stickney crater), and Miranda (an ovoid). Gennady G. Kochemasov