Attendance Time: Friday, 7 May 2010, 15:30–17:00
Hall Z
Chairperson: Hans Fahr
EGU2010-1892 KeV-ENA´ s detectable by IBEX originating from regions inside the solar wind termination shock Hans-Jörg Fahr
EGU2010-2047 The IBEX ribbon feature interpreted in terms of a close ENA source downstream of the termination shock Mark Siewert and Hans-Jörg Fahr
Downstream spectra of pick-up protons accelerated at the solar wind termination shock(withdrawn) Sergei V. Chalov
EGU2010-3288 Observations of interstellar Ne at 1 AU Christian Drews, Lars Berger, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Antoinette B. Galvin, Berndt Klecker, and Eberhard Möbius
EGU2010-3300 3D velocity distribution functions of heavy ions and kinetic properties of fast solar wind O6+ at 1 AU Lars Berger and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
EGU2010-3628 STEREO observations of energetic particle events during the rising phase of solar cycle 24
Nina Dresing, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Bernd Heber, Andreas Klassen, and Reinhold Müller-Mellin
Prediction of galactic cosmic ray proton intensities from simultaneous proton and electron measurements during an A(withdrawn) Bernd Heber, Jan Gieseler, Klaudia Herbst, Andreas Kopp, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, Horst Fichtner, Klaus Scherer, Friedhelm Steinhilber, Marius S. Potgieter, and Stefan E. S Ferreira
Quiet time galactic cosmic ray proton spectra: Ulysses KET measurements(withdrawn)
Jan Gieseler and Bernd Heber
EGU2010-4731 Recurrent modulation of galactic cosmic rays: A comparative study between IMP, SOHO, STEREO, and Ulysses
Jan Gieseler, Nina Dresing, Phillip Dunzlaff, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, and Bernd Heber
EGU2010-6522 The Propagation of 7 MeV Electrons in the Heliospheric Magnetic Field
O. Sternal, N.E. Engelbrecht, R.A. Burger, P. Dunzlaff, S.E.S. Ferreira, H. Fichtner, B. Heber, A. Kopp, and M.S. Potgieter
EGU2010-7344 Observations of neutral energetic atoms from the heliotail direction at 1 AU Martin Hilchenbach and Andrzej Czechowski
EGU2010-7933 Self-consistent Alfvénic wave heating and its effect on the structure of the global inner heliosphere Jens Kleimann, Andreas Kopp, and Horst Fichtner
EGU2010-8091 Does the low energy tail of ACRs contribute to the ENA population? Klaus Scherer, Horst Fichtner, and Stefan Ferreira
EGU2010-8212 Characteristics of magnetised plasma flow around stationary and expanding magnetic clouds Giorgi Dalakishvili
EGU2010-8445 The solar wind flux and acceleration height as seen by SOHO/SWAN and LASCO/C2 Rosine Lallement, Eric Quemerais, Jean-loup Bertaux, Philippe Lamy, and Walter Schmidt
On the ENA contribution by pick-up ions in the heliosheath(withdrawn) Horst Fichtner, Thomas Schablitzki, and Klaus Scherer
EGU2010-8527 The Fully Anisotropic Diffusion Tensor in the Parker Field Case Frederic Effenberger and Stephan Barra
A semi-analytic transport model for pick-up ions in the heliosheath(withdrawn)
Thomas Schablitzki, Horst Fichtner, and Klaus Scherer
EGU2010-8920 Multi-point observations of Co-rotating Interaction Regions
Nina Dresing, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Olga Malandraki, Bernd Heber, Emilia Kilpua, Andreas Klassen, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
EGU2010-9719 A possible explanation of the heliospheric ENA ribbon discovered by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Vladislav V. Izmodenov, Dmitrii B. Aleksashov, Sergey V. Chalov, Dave McComas, Michael S. Ruderman, and Yuri G. Malama
EGU2010-9738 Non-stationary plasma flow in the heliosheath E.A. Provornikova, V.V. Izmodenov, M.S. Ruderman, and Y.G. Malama
EGU2010-9940 The complex 3D structure of the solar wind plasma flow in the inner heliosheath under solar minium conditions Dmitry B. Alexashov, Vladislav V. Izmodenov, Eugenii Mogilevskii, and Michael S. Ruderman
EGU2010-10079 Solar cycle variations of the interstellar hydrogen in the interplanetary medium Olga Katushkina, Vladislav Izmodenov, and Michael Ruderman
EGU2010-10705 Improved data analysis for EPHIN aboard SOHO Christoph Terasa, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Andreas Klassen, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, and Bernd Heber
EGU2010-10920 Quasistable radiation belt in the slot region Johannes Labrenz, Sönke Burmeister, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz, Bernd Heber, and Rudolf Beaujean
EGU2010-10951 Solar modulation during the HolocenePress & Media
Friedhelm Steinhilber, Klaudia Herbst, and Bernd Heber
EGU2010-11261 Radiation measurement on the balloon facility BEXUS Thomas Möller, Bent Ehresmann, Johannes Labrenz, Lauri Panitzsch, Sönke Burmeister, Bernd Heber, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
EGU2010-11741 On the influence of the solar differential rotation on the heliospheric magnetic field
Phillip Dunzlaff, Andreas Kopp, Bernd Heber, Klaus Scherer, Oliver Sternal, and Adri Burger
EGU2010-11902 Tracing the heliospheric flux tube pattern with Jovian electron jets
Phillip Dunzlaff, Andreas Kopp, and Bernd Heber
EGU2010-13226 The “Ribbon Harald Kucharek, Stephen Fuselier, Nikolai Pogorelov, Martin Lee, Eberhard Moebius, Peter Wurz, Dan Reisenfeld, Herbert Funsten, and Edmond Roelof
EGU2010-14873 Direct Measurements of the Neutral Local Interstellar Medium with IBEX Lukas Saul, P Wurz, Eberhard Moebius, M Bzowski, D. McComas, and S. Fuselier