Our understanding of the physics of the heliosphere is challenged by recent observations related to both its inner and outer boundary. The latter is explored directly by the Voyager spacecraft and remotely by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) revealing an unexpected structure of the heliosheath. This structure is partly influenced by solar activity that presently exhibits an unusual minimum. Up to now it appears that no satisfactory explanation has been provided for the unanticipated observations like the geometry and physical nature of the termination shock or the heliosheath source regions of suprathermal particle populations. Because these phenomena inherently carry imprints of solar activity this session intends to bring together expertise in theory and observations from the inner and the outer heliospheric communities.
Public information:
Further oral contribution during the Splinter SPM-1.42, Friday, 7.05, from 8:30h to 10:00h
Poster introduction during the splinter PSD60-St1.2 from 17:30 h to 19:00 h