EGU2010-14332 Investigating lightning-driven interannual variability in the oxidative capacity of the troposphere Lee T. Murray, Daniel J. Jacob, and Jennifer A. Logan
EGU2010-7172 Developing Tools to Assess European Trace Gas Trends Rebecca Wilson, Zoe Fleming, Stephan Henne, and Paul Monks
EGU2010-6740 Analysis of ground level ozone for various Measurement sites in Ireland Om Tripathi, Gerard Jennings, Colin O’Dowd, S. Leinert, E. Moran, S. O’Doherty, and T. Spain
EGU2010-9389 Measurements of Surface Ozone at Belgrano Antarctic Station (78ºS, 35ºW) Mónica Navarro-Comas, Margarita Yela, Manuel Gil, Concepción Parrondo, and Hector Ochoa
EGU2010-11579 5-year analysis of background surface ozone and carbon dioxide variations during summer seasons at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) Paolo Cristofanelli, Paolo Bonasoni, Ubaldo Bonafe', Frencescopiero Calzolari, Rocco Duchi, Christian Lanconelli, Angelo Lupi, Vito Vitale, and Tiziano Colombo
EGU2010-13626 A study of the correlation between tropospheric ozone and back carbon at the NCO-P (5079 m a.s.l.), a remote mountain site in the South Himalayas Rocco Duchi, Paolo Cristofanelli, Angela Marinoni, Francescopiero Calzolari, Paolo Laj, Michael Sprenger, Elisa Vuillermoz, and Paolo Bonasoni
EGU2010-14683 Variability of average daily ozone level in Ile de France and in 3 medium cities of west-central France (La Rochelle, Limoges and Clermont-Ferrand) Gérad Beltrando, Sarah Duché, and Lise-Marie Glandus
EGU2010-4637 Observations of Reactive Gases in the Central Siberia in 2007-2009 Andrey Skorokhod, Konstantin Moiseenko, Natalia Pankratova, Roman Shumsky, Anastasia Vivchar, Joseph Timkovsky, and Elena Berezina
EGU2010-3194 Simulation of Long-term Changes in the Surface Ozone and Aerosol Concentrations Based on the Solar Activity Data Boris Belan, Pavel Antokhin, Mikhail Arshinov, Sergey Belan, Tatyana Slyadneva, and Gennadii Tolmachev
EGU2010-4620 On seasonality of stratomesospheric CO above midlatitudes: New insight from solar FTIR spectrometry at Zugspitze and Garmisch Tobias Borsdorff and Ralf Sussmann
EGU2010-7235 Regional Impact on Pollution Event in the Upper Troposphere during CARIBIC Flights between South China and the Philippines S.C. Lai, A.R. Baker, T.J. Schuck, P. van Velthoven, D.E. Oram, A. Zahn, M. Hermann, A. Weigelt, S. Slemr, and C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer
EGU2010-12393 Airmass characterisation along the 20-degree South parallel during the VOCALS-REx campaign Grant Allen, Thomas Toniazzo, Hugh Coe, Robert Wood, Chris Bretherton, and Steve Abel
EGU2010-10013 Observed and simulated global distribution and budget of atmospheric C2-C5 alkanes Andrea Pozzer, Jan Pollmann, Domenico Taraborrelli, Patrick Joeckel, Detlev Helmig, Peter Tans, Jacques Hueber, and Jos Lelieveld
EGU2010-4751 Time-series of biomass burning products from ground-based FTIR measurements at Reunion Island (21°S, 55°E) and comparisons with the CTM IMAGES Corinne Vigouroux, Martine De Mazière, Bart Dils, Jean-François Müller, Cindy Senten, Trissevgeni Stavrakou, Gauthier Vanhaelewyn, Sophie Fally, Valentin Duflot, and Jean-Luc Baray and the Instrumental Support
NO2 Vertical column decreasing trend in Northern Subtropics suggests dynamical changes in the middle stratosphere(withdrawn) Manuel Gil, Monica Navarro, Olga Puentedura, Margarita Yela, and Emilio Cuevas
EGU2010-5044 Homogenization of UV-Visible NDACC spectrometers reprocessing for ozone and NO2 Andrea Pazmino and the SAOZ Team
EGU2010-11591 Representativeness analysis of CO$_{2}$ profiles near a tall tower and from commercial airliner programs Huilin Chen, Krzysztof Katrynski, Philippe Nedelec, Toshinobu Machida, Hidekazu Matsueda, Yousuke Sawa, and Christoph Gerbig
EGU2010-9997 An ICOS laser spectrometer for regular in-situ measurements of CH4 and CO2 aboard the CARIBIC passenger aircraft Lisa Kattner, Christoph Dyroff, and Andreas Zahn
EGU2010-12913 Characterization of model-data mismatch of CO2 concentrations due to misrepresentation of mixing layer height in high resolution WRF-VPRM simulations Roberto Kretschmer, Christoph Gerbig, Ravan Ahmadov, Dhanya K. Pillay, Ute Karstens, and Huilin Chen
EGU2010-3608 First 2 years of Atmospheric CO2 measurements in the Estany Llong plain (2100 masl, Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain). Roger Curcoll, Montserrat Recolons, Anna Font, Laura Agraz, Elena Parga, Montse Bacardit, Lluís Camarero, Salva Pueyo, Xavier Rodó, and Josep Anton Morguí
EGU2010-7547 Influence of the interannual variation of CH4 emissions and OH on recent atmospheric CH4 Heon-Sook Kim, Shamil Maksyutov, Prabir K. Patra, Kengo Sudo, and Gen Inoue
EGU2010-4503 Atmospheric emissions of N2O deduced from long-term observations at the Mediterranean Island of Lampedusa
Florinda Artuso, Salvatore Piacentino, Damiano Sferlazzo, Alcide diSarra, Daniela Meloni, Francesco Monteleone, Paolo Chamard, and Massimo Frezzotti
EGU2010-1661 Development of a Fast, High-Precision Analyzer for N2O and CO Measurements in Field Applications Robert Provencal, Raymond Fellers, Thomas Owano, Yonggang He, and Doug Baer
EGU2010-3977 The state of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere using global observations through 2008 Oksana A. Tarasova, Geir O. Braathen, Leonard A. Barrie, Kazuto Suda, and Ed Dlugokencky
EGU2010-6142 The NOAA Annual Greenhouse Gas Index - 2010 Update James H. Butler, Stephen A. Montzka, Thomas J. Conway, Ed Dlugokencky, James W. Elkins, Kenneth A. Masarie, Russell C. Schnell, and Pieter P. Tans
EGU2010-2420 Recent trends of inorganic chlorine and halogenated source gases above the Jungfraujoch and Kitt Peak stations derived from high-resolution FTIR solar observations Emmanuel Mahieu, Curtis P. Rinsland, Tom Gardiner, Rodolphe Zander, Philippe Demoulin, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Roland Ruhnke, Linda S. Chiou, and Martine De Mazière and the GIRPAS Team
EGU2010-9411 Growth of HFC-143a (CH3CF3) determined from in-situ observation at AGAGE observatories. Simon O'Doherty and the Simon O'Doherty1
EGU2010-13092 Recent increases in global HFC-23 emissions and early trends in other HFCs Steve Montzka, Lambert Kuijpers, Lloyd Miller, Mark Battle, Murat Aydin, Kristal Verhulst, Eric Saltzman, David Fahey, Ben Miller, and Bradley Hall
EGU2010-4984 Seasonal Trends in Boundary Layer Concentrations of Halocarbons at Coastal and Forest Sites in Borneo Andrew Robinson, Neil Harris, Bryan Gostlow, Louise O'Brien, Jeff Hawkes, Matt Ashfold, Xin Yang, Nicola Warwick, John Pyle, and Shahrul Nadzir and the Dirac_Malaysia
EGU2010-13548 Top-down emission estimation of European sources of halogenated hydrocarbons using a Kalman-filter based inversion Dominik Brunner, Stephan Henne, Christoph A. Keller, Stefan Reimann, Martin K. Vollmer, and Simon O'Doherty
EGU2010-1956 End-Permian mass extinction caused by high volatile halogenated gases from giant salt lakes? Lidia Lisitsyna and Ludwig Weissflog
EGU2010-5123 Can ozone assimilation constrain inorganic chlorine in the stratosphere? Quentin Errera, Simon Chabrillat, and Sébastien Viscardy
EGU2010-7700 Simulation of molecular hydrogen in the troposphere using global CTM coupled with land process model Hisashi Yashiro, Masayuki Takigawa, and Kengo Sudo
EGU2010-296 Multi-year inversion of molecular hydrogen using the RAMCES and EUROHYDROS network data Camille Yver, Philippe Bousquet, Martina Schmidt, and Isabelle Pison and the Eurohydros project
EGU2010-1354 Updating hydrogen fluoride (HF) FTIR time series above Jungfraujoch: comparison of two retrieval algorithms and impact of line shape models P. Duchatelet, P. Demoulin, F. Hase, E. Mahieu, P.F. Bernath, C.D. Boone, and K.A. Walker
EGU2010-3513 Optimized approach to retrieve information on the tropospheric and stratospheric carbonyl sulfide (OCS) vertical distributions above Jungfraujoch from high-resolution FTIR solar spectra. Bernard Lejeune, Emmanuel Mahieu, Christian Servais, Pierre Duchatelet, and Philippe Demoulin
EGU2010-11355 Validation of GOMOS, SCIAMACHY and MIPAS ozone and temperature profiles with lidar measurements Anne van Gijsel and Daan Swart and the VALID team
EGU2010-3161 50 years of monitoring of the ozone layer in the Czech Republic - results and challenges Karel Vanicek, Pavla Skrivankova, Ladislav Metelka, and Martin Stanek
EGU2010-14798 Ozone column content variability at the Kishinev site from satellite retrievals and ground observations Alexandr Aculinin and Vladimir Smicov
EGU2010-5151 Atmospheric blocking signatures in total ozone and ozone mini-holes
David Barriopedro, Manuel Antón, José Agustín García, Guadalupe Saénz, and Moisés G. Chamorro
EGU2010-5519 Coherence of longterm stratospheric ozone time series for the study of ozone recovery in the northern mid-latitudes Prijitha J. Nair, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, and Andrea Pazmino
EGU2010-15309 Model analysis of 27-day solar-induced variability of chemical dynamics in the equatorial upper and middle atmosphere Anastasia G. Yanchilina, Dan Marsh, and Natalia Calvo