Attendance Time: Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: Martin Werner
EGU2010-2783 Compound-specific delta18O analyses of neutral sugars in soils using GC-Py-IRMS Michael Zech, Bruno Glaser, Roland Werner, and Dieter Juchelka
EGU2010-13621 Response of dD values of sedimentary n-alkanes to variations in source water isotope signals and climate proxies at Lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau Franziska Guenther, Ines Mügler, Roland Mäusbacher, Gerhard Daut, Karsten Leopold, Udo Gerstmann, Baiqing Xu, Tandong Yao, and Gerd Gleixner
EGU2010-7285 The effect of forced ventilation through snow on the stable water isotope content of the vapor and the snow - an experiment Sarah Berben, Hans Christian Steen-Larsen, and Sigfus Johnsen
EGU2010-5670 Plant wax biomarkers in fresh snow: Implications for ice core studies Paula Sankelo, Kimitaka Kawamura, Osamu Seki, and James Bendle
EGU2010-13115 Precipitation weighting dominates inter-annual variability of stable water isotopes in Greenland ice cores
Asbjørn Persson, Peter Langen, and Peter Ditlevsen
EGU2010-14204 Variations in hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of meteoric water across the Central Anatolian Plateau Tamás Mikes and Andreas Mulch
EGU2010-9433 Stable isotope distribution in continental Maastrichtian vertebrates from the Haţeg Basin, South Carpathians Ana-Voica Bojar, Zoltan Csiki, and Dan Grigorescu
EGU2010-14949 Stable isotope compositions of Unionidae shells from Lake Balaton (Hungary): Behaviour of recent shells and archaeological applications
Gabriella Scholl-Barna, Attila Demeny, Pal Sumegi, Gabor Serlegi, Szilvia Fabian, Tibor Cserny, Istvan Forizs, and Bernadett Bajnoczi
EGU2010-8524 The dual temperature influence on coral skeleton oxygen isotopic ratio Anne Juillet-Leclerc and Stéphanie Reynaud
EGU2010-1449 Palaeoclimatic conditions during Neoproterozoic: case study from Iran & Australia (Tasmania) Mohammad Hossein Adabi and Mina Khatibi Mehr
EGU2010-6790 Anomalously low δ18O - the first isotopic record of the oldest glaciation within the Belomorian terrain? Dmitry P. Krylov
EGU2010-12011 Calcite-water oxygen isotopic fractionation revisited Attila Demeny, Sandor Kele, and Zoltan Siklosy
EGU2010-11215 Revised phosphate/water fractionation equation - implications for existing paleotemperature reconstructions using fish tooth apatite Emmanuelle Puceat, Michael Joachimski, Fabrice Monna, Alexandra Bouilloux, Aurélie Bonin, and Sébastien Motreuil
EGU2010-12410 Sr heterogeneity in \textit{Arctica islandica} shells and the potential use of Sr/Ca ratios as paleotemperature proxies Pascal Radermacher, Bernd R. Schöne, Elizabeth V. Nunn, and Zhang Zengjie
EGU2010-1552 Effect of magnesium ions on the stable oxygen isotope equilibrium between dissolved inorganic carbon species and water. Joji Uchikawa and Richard Zeebe
EGU2010-8659 Multi-proxy approach for palaeoclimate reconstruction using a loess-palaeosol sequence from SüttÅ , Hungary
Christine Thiel, Paul Königer, Christian Ostertag-Henning, Georg Scheeder, Ágnes Novothny, Erzsébet Horváth, Lara Wacha, Astrid Techmer, and Manfred Frechen
EGU2010-14727 Isotopic signature of short term climate oscillations in the sediments of the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland)
Urszula Paczek, Konrad Tudyka, Piotr Bałdys, and Anna Pazdur
EGU2010-12976 Stable isotope record of coexisting apatite and dolomite in Early Cambrian phosphorites, Meishucun section, South China
Antje Wegwerth, Ulrich Struck, Monika Segl, Torsten W. Vennemann, Peer-L. Gehlken, Christoph Heubeck, and Michael E. Böttcher
EGU2010-5825 Stable isotope composition of fluid inclusions preserved in halite derived from Wieliczka and Bochnia Salt Beds (Southern Poland)
Marek Dulinski, Kazimierz Rozanski, and Krzysztof Bukowski
EGU2010-6961 Insights into the origin of secondary calcite at Yucca Mountain (Nevada) from high-resolution stable isotope data coupled with fluid-inclusion microthermometry and δD analyses Yuri Dublyansky and Christoph Spötl
EGU2010-12013 U/TH dating of travertines from Hungary: paleoclimatic and tectonic interpretations Sándor Kele, Gyula Scheuer, Attila Demény, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Chiang Hong-Wei