Eyjafjallajökull - eruption, plume, and consequences
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 04 May, 18:30–20:00  / Room 36
 / Thu, 06 May, 18:30–20:15  / Room 36
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 05 May, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area US7

After seismic activity in late 2009, Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland began to erupt on 20 March 2010. On 14 April 2010, an eruption under the ice cap created a plume of ash which rose to altitudes used by jet aircraft. Beginning on 15 April 2010 the plume caused the closure of airports and major disruption to air travel across NW Europe and between Europe and N. America. The Special Session, co-sponsored by GEOmon, will discuss the volcanological setting, atmospheric transport and use of predictive modelling of the ash plume, and the palaeorecord of Icelandic eruptions affecting Europe's climate and economy. This session will consist of two 1.5 hour oral sessions (Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 16:30-18:00) with Tuesday evening's session including a panel discussion/audience questions which will explore the implications and precautionary lessons for Iceland and Europe.

LATE BREAKING POSTER SESSION. There will also be an associated poster session on Wednesday 17:30-19:00. NOTE: There are a number of late addition posters, not in the programme Posters will be BOTH in HALL A (A516 to A538) and HALL XL (XL377-XL395.

Public information: In addition to this union session, there will a one hour panel discussion on Thursday 12.15-13.15 in Room 1: SPM2.61, which is open to the public. The title of this is "Responding vs Reacting: Understanding the Impacts and Implications to Public and Private Risk Communities from the Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption."

GMPV7: Volcanic ash: an agent in Earth systems