Oral Programme CL1.22
CL1.22 Advances in the development and application of terrestrial paleoclimate proxies |
Convener: William D'Andrea | Co-Convener: Raymond Bradley |
Oral Programme
/ Mon, 04 Apr, 13:30–17:00
/ Room 19
Poster Programme
/ Attendance Mon, 04 Apr, 17:30–19:00
Monday, 4 April 2011 Room 19 Chairperson: William D'Andrea |
13:30–13:45 |
Predictability of Solar Forcing Juerg Beer, Friedhelm Steinhilber, and Jose Abreu |
13:45–14:00 |
Solar and volcanic fingerprints in tree ring chronologies over the past 2000 years Petra Breitenmoser, Jürg Beer, Stefan Brönnimann, David Frank, Friedhelm Steinhilber, and Wanner Heinz |
14:00–14:15 |
Glacial-to-deglacial changes in ocean deepwater ventilation ages and the ocean's capacity to store atmospheric CO2 Michael Sarnthein, Birgit Schneider, and Pieter M. Grootes |
14:15–14:30 |
European climate change at the end of the last glaciation: chironomid-based temperature reconstruction on a continental scale Oliver Heiri and André F. Lotter and the EUCLIM |
14:30–14:45 |
First isotopic organic geochemical data of the Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) loess sequence: evidence of Westerlies influence all along the last climate cycle Christine Hatté, Caroline Gauthier, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Pierre Antoine, Markus Fuchs, France Lagroix, Olivier Moine, Adriana Sima, Lenka Lisa, and Jiri Svoboda |
14:45–15:00 |
Tipping points: Early warning and wishful thinking Peter Ditlevsen and Sigfus Johnsen |
15:30–15:45 |
Validation and application of a novel, terrestrial biomarker-based paleo thermometer to Holocene sediments of Lake Cadagno, Switzerland Helge Niemann, Stefanie B. Wirth, Alina Stadnitskaia, Adrian Gilli, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, Stefan Schouten, Ellen C. Hoppmans, and Moritz F. Lehmann |
15:45–16:00 |
Calibrating the alkenone paleothermometer for lakes William D'Andrea, Raymond Bradley, David Vaillencourt, and Xiaohui Huang |
16:00–16:15 |
Hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes as proxies of tropical African hydrology: new insights from a calibration transect across Cameroon Yannick Garcin, Valérie Schwab-Lavrič, Gerd Gleixner, Ansgar Kahmen, Gilbert Todou, Olivier Séné, Jean-Michel Onana, Gaston Achoundong, and Dirk Sachse |
16:15–16:30 |
Development and application of a paleoclimate proxy for spring temperatures in central North America: did low temperatures limit tree physiological function during the Younger-Dryas? Steven Voelker, Paul-Emile Noirot-Cosson, Michael Stambaugh, Erin McMurry, Frederick Meinzer, Barbara Lachenbruch, and Richard Guyette |
16:30–16:45 |
Late Holocene winter warming reconstructed from 14C-dated ice wedges, central Lena Delta, Northern Siberia Hanno Meyer, Alexander Dereviagin, Thomas Opel, and Kirstin Hoffmann |
16:45–17:00 |
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the analysis of secondary carbonates - a case study from the SüttÅ loess-paleosoil sequence, Hungary Gabriella Barta |