Modelling paleoclimates from the Cretaceous to the Holocene (including Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture)
Convener: Masa Kageyama |
Co-Conveners: Dan Lunt , André Paul , Rachel Flecker , Louis François , Liselotte Diester-Haass
Climate response to orbital forcing
Convener: Erin McClymont |
Co-Convener: Alan Haywood
Polar continental margins and fjords - glacial and climatic evolution in the Cenozoic
Convener: Fabio Florindo |
Co-Conveners: Michele Rebesco , Matthias Forwick , Jan Sverre Laberg , David Harwood , Angelo Camerlenghi , Berit Oline Hjelstuen
Poster Summaries & Discussions: PSD28 |
Quaternary palaeoenvironments of Africa (co-organized)
Convener: Brian Chase |
Co-Convener: Stephanie Mills
Interglacial climate change - Learning from paleoclimate archives and models (co-sponsored by the IGBP project Past Global Changes (PAGES) and the FP7 project Past4Future)
Convener: Hubertus Fischer |
Co-Convener: Andy Ridgwell
INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records (INTIMATE) and the role of land/ocean/atmosphere interactions over the last 60,000 years
Co-Conveners: Paul Hughes , Sune O. Rasmussen
Advances in understanding Holocene climate variability and its impact on human society
Convener: Vasile Ersek
Multi-proxy investigations of climates of the last millennium (co-organized)
Convener: Mary Gagen |
Co-Conveners: Philip Jones , Michael Mann , Iain Robertson , Eduardo Zorita
Poster Summaries & Discussions: PSD29 |
The role of (sub)polar regions: modern dynamics, long-term trends and natural variability
Convener: Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz |
Co-Conveners: Marie-Alexandrine Sicre , Antoon Kuijpers , Kirsty Crocket , Peter Wadhams
Ocean climate viewed through deep-sea corals
Convener: Norbert Frank |
Co-Convener: Tina van de Flierdt
Advances in the development and application of terrestrial paleoclimate proxies
Convener: William D'Andrea |
Co-Convener: Raymond Bradley
Aeolian dust, initiator, player, and recorder of environmental change (co-organized)
Convener: Jan-Berend Stuut |
Co-Convener: Peter Knippertz
Poster Summaries & Discussions: PSD21 |
Ice-sheet and climate interactions
Convener: Philippe Huybrechts |
Co-Conveners: Thierry Fichefet , Andrey Ganopolski , Gilles Ramstein
Glacial landforms and palaeoclimatic interpretation
Convener: Stefan Winkler |
Co-Conveners: Lasafam Iturrizaga , Martin Kirkbride