
Poster Programme HS5.3


Stakeholder participation in hydrology
Convener: Tobias Krueger  | Co-Conveners: Gemma Carr , Andrea Castelletti 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 05 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 39
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 05 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Display Tue, 05 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Hall A
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD106 

Display time: Tuesday, 5 April, 2011 08:00–19:30
Attendance Time: Tuesday, 5 April 2011, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: The conveners
Stakeholder participation in water resource management: Categorisation and evaluation of approaches
Gemma Carr, Daniel Pete Loucks, and Guenter Bloeschl

A295 EGU2011-3580
Planning participatory processes in water resources management (withdrawn)
Jörg Krywkow

A296 EGU2011-11716
Stakeholder participation in hydrology: what you want may not be what you get (withdrawn)
Elizabeth Oughton and David Passmore

Which Model and Why?
Alexey Voinov and Erica Gaddis

EGU2011-1330 | presentation
Stakeholders and experts: a wide perspective on expertise in hydrological modelling
Tobias Krueger, Trevor Page, Klaus Hubacek, and Kevin Hiscock

EGU2011-1331 | presentation
Stakeholder co-production of models in catchment management for water quality
Tobias Krueger, Alex Inman, Laurence Smith, and Kevin Hiscock

The Story- and Simulation approach: Scenario development as a method to integrate practical and scientific knowledge for long-term water planning
Janina Onigkeit, Joseph Alcamo, and Barbara Luebkert-Alcamo

A301 EGU2011-7689
Bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative: scenario development in a participatory process (withdrawn)
Ilona Bärlund, Martina Flörke, Kasper Kok, and Minna Kaljonen

A302 EGU2011-5776
Stakeholder Group Consensus based on Multi-aspect Hydrology Decision Making (withdrawn)
Ivan Vrana and Pavel Kovar

Improving stakeholders participation in the water management process using fuzzy logic and semantic classes.
Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa, Paola Mani, Marco Micotti, and Valentina Sachero

An analysis of the subjective opinion of farmer stakeholders to implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive in the Republic of Ireland.
Cathal Buckley

A305 EGU2011-153
Why Participatory Irrigation Reforms Fail? An interpretation through key governance concepts (withdrawn)
Muhammad Mehmood Ul Hassan

EGU2011-1448 | presentation
Surveying Community Based Catchment Management Groups in England and Wales
Laurence Smith, Hadrian Cook, David Benson, Alex Inman, and Andrew Jordan

A comparative analysis of collaborative watershed partnerships: are they swimming or are they sinking?
David Benson, Andrew Jordan, Hadrian Cook, Alex Inman, and Laurence Smith