Orals CL4.3
CL4.3 Interglacial climate change - Learning from paleoclimate archives and models |
Co-Conveners: André Paul , Michael Schulz , Barbara Stenni , Hubertus Fischer |
Monday, 8 April 2013 Room Y9 Chairperson: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Emma Stones |
08:30–08:45 |
Externally forced and internal variability of tropospheric variability modes in the past millennium Juan Jose Gómez-Navarro, Eduardo Zorita, and Sebastian Wagner |
08:45–09:00 |
Variability in the sea ice cover of the Arctic and subarctic seas during the present interglacial: Contrasted responses of the eastern vs western Arctic Anne de Vernal, Bianca Fréchette, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, and André Rochon |
09:00–09:15 |
Sea ice variability during the Holocene: evidence from marine and ice cores in the Ross Sea area, East Antarctica Karin Mezgec, Romana Melis, Xavier Crosta, Rita Traversi, Mirko Severi, Ester Colizza, Martina Braida, and Barbara Stenni |
09:15–09:30 |
Southern Caribbean Sea temperature and salinity variability since the mid-Holocene from monthly resolved coral records Thomas Felis, Cyril Giry, Martin Kölling, Denis Scholz, Wei Wei, Gerrit Lohmann, and Sander Scheffers |
09:30–09:45 |
Hydrological evolution of the North-West African monsoon system: Comparison of model simulations with observational and proxy data Barbara Haese, Martin Werner, Britta Beckmann, Enno Schefuss, and Gerrit Lohmann |
09:45–10:00 |
Further evidence for historical decline of Antarctic sea ice prior to satellite survey era? Rainer Gersonde, Oliver Esper, Gerrit Lohmann, and Gregor Knorr |
10:30–10:45 |
Astronomically forced western African (21°N-20°S) rainfall variations during the Last Interglacial Aline Govin, Vidya Varma, and Matthias Prange |
10:45–11:00 |
Onset, characteristics and end of the last interglacial period Dorthe Dahl-Jensen |
11:00–11:15 |
Enhanced Antarctic climate variability during the last interglacial period Katy Pol, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Olivier Cattani, Maxime Debret, Sonia Falourd, Jean Jouzel, Amaelle Landais, Bénédicte Minster, Manfred Mudelsee, Michael Schulz, and Barbara Stenni |
11:15–11:30 |
The Last Interglacial climate as recorded in polar and sub-polar regions Press & Media Emilie Capron, Aline Govin, Belen Martrat, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Louise C. Sime, Emma J. Stone, and Eric W. Wolff |
11:30–11:45 |
What can we learn from a climate model-data comparison for the Last Interglacial period? Emma Stone, Emilie Capron, Daniel Lunt, and Eric Wolff |
11:45–12:00 |
Warm climate isotopic simulations: What do we learn about interglacial signals in Greenland ice cores? Louise Sime, Camille Risi, Julia Tindall, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Jesper Sjolte, Eric Wolff, and Emilie Capron |
13:30–13:45 |
Modelling Holocene climate trends: A model intercomparison Gerrit Lohmann and the INTERDYNAMIK |
13:45–14:00 |
Postglacial inception of the modern-AMOC based on proxy-reconstructions for 1 ka-time slices of paleo-sea surface conditions and paleo-density gradients in the upper water column Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Anne de Vernal, and Bianca Fréchette |
14:00–14:15 |
Diffusion length history over the last 16 ka based on a high resolution δ18O record from NGRIP. Implications for glaciological and paleoclimatic studies. Vasileios Gkinis, Sebastian B. Simonsen, Susanne L. Buchardt, Bo M. Vinther, and James W. C. White |
14:15–14:30 |
Anomalies during the Present and Last interglacial periods - A proxy comparison Anuar El Ouahabi, Belen Martrat, Jordi F. Lopez, and Joan O. Grimalt |
14:30–14:45 |
Temperature trends during the Present and Last interglacial periods - A multi-model-data comparison Pepijn Bakker, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Belen Martrat, Sylvie Charbit, and Hans Renssen |
14:45–15:00 |
Multi-decadal-scale records of North Atlantic climate variability during the last and present interglacials and preceding glacial terminations. Patricia Jimenez-Amat and Rainer Zahn |
15:30–15:45 |
Influence of reorganization of the tropical hydrologic cycle on Atlantic salinity and meridional overturning at the end of the last interglacial. (withdrawn) Benjamin Blazey, Aline Govin, André Paul, and Matthias Prange |
15:45–16:00 |
Late glacial and interglacial sea ice variability in the Arctic Ocean: new insights from proxy and numerical modelling data Juliane Müller, Axel Wagner, Michael Stärz, and Ruediger Stein |
16:00–16:15 |
The penultimate deglaciation and the Last Interglacial as registered in speleothems Sophie Verheyden, Dominique Genty, and Karine Wainer |
16:15–16:30 |
Comparing the last two declaciations and interglacials in the North Atlantic region Belen Martrat, Patricia Jimenez-Amat, Rainer Zahn, and Joan O. Grimalt |
16:30–16:45 |
Interglacial climate dynamics and advanced time series analysis Manfred Mudelsee, Miguel Bermejo, Peter Köhler, and Gerrit Lohmann |
16:45–17:00 |
The intensity of interglacials over the last 800 ka Eric Wolff, Emilie Capron, Katy Pol, Belen Martrat, Qiuzhen Yin, Chronis Tzedakis, and Jerry McManus |