HS1.1 Panta Rhei: Early career scientists’ vision and progress for research in hydrology, society and change |
Convener: Hilary McMillan | Co-Conveners: Tobias Krueger , Anne Van Loon , Heidi Kreibich |
/ Tue, 19 Apr, 10:30–12:00
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 PICO spot 1 Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10.30am - 11.10am Invited talks by Early Career Scientists: Each talk 10 mins
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:30–10:32 PICO1.1 |
Ideas towards sustainable water security Carole Dalin |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:32–10:34 PICO1.2 |
Organizing the spatially and temporally unique hydrosphere Wouter Berghuijs |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:34–10:36 PICO1.3 |
Modelling the interaction between flooding events and economic growth Johanna Grames, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Dieter Grass, Alberto Viglione, and Günter Blöschl |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:36–10:38 PICO1.4 |
| presentation
Capturing changes in flood risk with Bayesian approaches for flood damage assessment Kristin Vogel, Kai Schröter, Heidi Kreibich, Annegret Thieken, Meike Müller, Tobias Sieg, Jonas Laudan, Sarah Kienzler, Laura Weise, Bruno Merz, and Frank Scherbaum |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
11.10am - 11.15am 2-minute madness Poster Introductions
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:38–10:40 PICO1.5 |
Catchment Prediction In Changing Environments (CAPICHE): A Model Inter-Comparison Experiment Christopher Hutton, Remko Nijzink, Ilias Pechlivanidis, René Capell, Thorsten Wagener, Jim Freer, Dawei Han, Markus Hrachowitz, and Berit Arheimer |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
10:40–10:42 PICO1.6 |
Can we infer the effect of river works on streamflow statistics? Daniele Ganora |
Chairperson: Hilary McMillan |
11.15am - 11.35am Audience Participation and Discussion
10:42–12:00 |
Interactive Presentations at PICO Screens