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Geomorphic response to active tectonics: numerical and field-based approaches (co-organized)
Convener: Alain Demoulin  | Co-Conveners: Marcello Schiattarella , Liran Goren , Vivi Kathrine Pedersen , Jean Braun 
 / Thu, 21 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Fri, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00

It is now common knowledge that surface processes, climate, and tectonics interact to determine the behaviour and the evolution of tectonic structures and geodynamic ensembles and the resulting shaping of the Earth's surface. This topic necessarily integrates research approaches pertaining to very diverse disciplines, and its geomorphic component is in general de facto equated with a focus on surface processes. Backed on this multidisciplinarity, the main aim of this session initiated by the IAG Working Group "Tectonic Geomorphology" will be to provide wider space for the analysis of tectonic landforms and their evolution in response to the tectonic component of the system, of which they are by themselves meaningful indicators of nature, amplitude, rate, and stage, from orogeny- (even continental-) to individual fault-scale and at the corresponding time scales. Special attention will be paid to extracting the tectonic signal from the response of drainage systems in the frame of integrated tectono-climatic forcing and multiple feedbacks, in mountainous and non-mountainous environments. Fruitful discussion will be fostered by gathering contributions proposing field-based analyses (actual field and RS data, geomorphometry, age and denudation estimates) and numerical modelling (especially inverse modelling of geomorphic data) of tectonic landscape evolution, and combining, maybe also confronting their results at all scales. In particular, studies dealing with the response time of landscapes and landforms to, and their memory of, tectonic perturbations will be highly welcome, so as will be also fresh innovative insights into this vast research field.