PICOs GM4.5/SSP3.2
GM4.5/SSP3.2 Unifying understanding of bedforms across environments (co-organized) |
Convener: Daniel Parsons | Co-Conveners: Joanna Nield , Chris Clark , Guilhem Amin Douillet |
/ Thu, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00
Thursday, 27 April 2017 PICO spot 1 Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:30–15:32 PICO1.1 |
Physical processes causing the formation of penitentes (withdrawn) Philippe Claudin, Hugo Jarry, Gérard Vignoles, Mathis Plapp, and Bruno Andreotti |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:32–15:34 PICO1.2 |
Subglacial processes revealed by the internal structure of drumlins, Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland Piotr Hermanowski, Jan A. Piotrowski, and Izabela Szuman-Kalita |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:34–15:36 PICO1.3 |
The importance of three dimensional dune morphology on the time dependent flow field Richard Hardy, Dan Parsons, Arnold Reesink, and Jim Best |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:36–15:38 PICO1.4 |
Sediment dynamics of submarine tidal dunes in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada) (withdrawn) Urs Neumeier and Rao Alexandra |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:38–15:40 PICO1.5 |
From patterns to processes: understanding channel step formation in steep streams Antonius Golly, Jens Turowski, Alexandre Badoux, and Niels Hovius |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:40–15:42 PICO1.6 |
Periodic bedforms generated by sublimation on terrestrial and martian ice sheets under the influence of the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer Maï Bordiec, Sabrina Carpy, Laurent Perret, Olivier Bourgeois, and Marion Massé |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:42–15:44 PICO1.7 |
Bedding-parallel lenticular dolomite bodies in the St. Louis limestones (eastern Kentucky, U.S.A.): Seismogenic sediment-deformation structures in an extensional setting (withdrawn) Min Zeng and Frank Ettensohn |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:44–15:46 PICO1.8 |
Effect of asymmetric bedforms on tidal flows in the Weser estuary Christian Winter, Gerald Herrling, and Alice Lefebvre |
Chairperson: Daniel Parsons |
15:46–15:48 PICO1.9 |
Desert dune growth and development: measurements of airflow and morphological change Matthew Baddock, Giles Wiggs, and Joanna Nield |
15:48–17:00 |
Interactive presentations at PICO screens