

The session investigate how massive volcanism and meteorite impacts may have caused mass extinctions and global environmental crises. We hope to bring together researchers across the geological, geophysical, and biological disciplines to present new and exciting researches. The session will focus on the six major Phanerozoic mass extinctions (end Ordovician, end Devonian, end-Permian, end-Triassic, end-Cretaceous), but contributions from theoretical studies or from other environmental crises (e.g. PETM) are also welcome.

Co-organized as GMPV6.9
Convener: Eric Font | Co-conveners: Sofie Lindström, Thierry Adatte, David Bond, Sverre Planke, Kasia K. Sliwinska, Margret Steinthorsdottir, Martin Schobben
| Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Room G2
| Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15
Hall X1

Wednesday, 10 April 2019 | Room G2

Chairperson: Margret Steinthorsdottir and Eric Font
08:30–08:45 |
Melanie Tietje, Mark-Oliver Rödel, and Martin Schobben
08:45–09:00 |
Nicolas Greber, Joshua Davies, Urs Schaltegger, Fred Jourdan, and Hervé Bertrand
09:00–09:15 |
Alicia Fantasia, Thierry Adatte, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Eric Font, Luís V. Duarte, Enrique Bernárdez, Emanuela Mattioli, and Karl B. Föllmi
09:15–09:30 |
Randall Irmis, Adriana Mancuso, Cecilia Benavente, Jessica Whiteside, and Roland Mundil
09:30–09:45 |
Johan Vellekoop, Lineke Woelders, Appy Sluijs, Kenneth G. Miller, and Robert P. Speijer
10:00–10:15 |
| Highlight
Gerta Keller, Paula Mateo, Thierry Adatte, Jahnavi Punekar, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Blair Schoene, Michael P. Eddy, Kyle M. Samperton, Syed F.R. Khadri, Johannes Monkenbusch, and Nicolas Thibault
Coffee break
Chairperson: Martin Schobben and Sofie Lindstrom
10:45–11:00 |
Stephen Grasby, Jochen Knies, Benoit Beauchamp, David Bond, Paul Wignall, and Yadong Sun
11:15–11:30 |
Paul Olsen, Clara Chang, Yanan Fang, Sean Kinney, Sidney Hemming, Dennis Kent, Jessica Whiteside, Morgan Schaller, and Jingeng Sha
11:30–11:45 |
| presentation
Jan Landwehrs, Georg Feulner, Matthias Hofmann, and Michael Wagreich
12:00–12:15 |
Markus Sudermann, David Greenwood, Christopher West, Jennifer Galloway, and Lutz Reinhardt
12:15–12:30 |
| solicited
| Highlight
Joost Frieling, Holger Gebhardt, Matthew Huber, Olabisi Adekeye, Samuel Akande, Gert-Jan Reichart, Jack Middelburg, Steven Bohaty, Dan Lunt, Ursula Rohl, Thomas Westerhold, Jaap Sinninghe Damste, Stefan Schouten, and Appy Sluijs