Remote sensing measurements, from passive optical to active radar sensors, have become classical techniques to study and monitor Earth’s active volcanoes. They are commonly used by many volcano observatories and scientists around the World as obvious monitoring tools and complements to other ground-based geophysical techniques, such as GNSS, seismic, infrasound and gravimetric monitoring networks.

Nowadays, the number of satellite images available at no charge for scientific purpose is still increasing. New low-cost approaches, such as micro-satellite constellations and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), are in constant development. The spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions of sensors are continuously improved. All these types of evolution make volcano remote sensing more accurate and comprehensive than before, allowing the scientists to better decipher the volcanic activity and the associated underlying magmatic processes.

In the present session, we invite all contributions that deal with the study and monitoring of active volcanoes using recent imaging sensors on-board space-, air- or ground-based platforms. Targeted remote sensing techniques are essentially –but not restricted to– ground surface deformation, topographic changes, ash and gas emissions, thermal detection, measurements and mapping, and geological mapping. Research based on time-series datasets processing and modelling, complementary remote sensing approaches and/or the combination of remote sensing with ground-based monitoring techniques are encouraged.

Convener: Benoît Smets | Co-conveners: Nicolas d'Oreye, Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
| Wed, 10 Apr, 08:30–10:15
PICO spot 3

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

PICO spot 3
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:30–08:40 |
PICO3.1 |
Virginie Pinel, Alexandre Carrara, Pascale Bascou, Emmanuel Chaljub, and Servando De la Cruz-Reyna
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:40–08:42 |
PICO3.2 |
| Highlight
Gaetana Ganci, Giuseppe Bilotta, Annalisa Cappello, Claudia Corradino, Vito Zago, and Ciro Del Negro
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:42–08:44 |
PICO3.3 |
Claudia Corradino, Gaetana Ganci, Giuseppe Bilotta, Annalisa Cappello, Ciro Del Negro, and Luigi Fortuna
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:44–08:46 |
PICO3.4 |
Manuel Queißer, Mike Burton, Nicolas Theys, Federica Pardini, Giuseppe Salerno, Tommaso Caltabiano, Matthew Varnam, Benjamin Esse, and Ryunosuke Kazahaya
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:46–08:48 |
PICO3.5 |
Federico Galetto, Marco Bagnardi, Valerio Acocella, and Andrew Hooper
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:48–08:50 |
PICO3.6 |
Nicolas d'Oreye, Julien Barrière, Dominique Derauw, Halldor Gheirsson, Benoît Smets, Adrien Oth, Sergey Samsonov, and François Kervyn
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:50–08:52 |
PICO3.7 |
Benoît Smets, Christelle Wauthier, Antoine Dille, Raphaël Paris, Denis Samyn, Nicolas d'Oreye, and François Kervyn
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:52–08:54 |
PICO3.8 |
Silvio De Angelis, Beth-Helen Munkli, Anthony Lamur, and Alejandro Díaz-Moreno
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:54–08:56 |
PICO3.9 |
Gabor Kereszturi, Lauren Schaefer, Reddy Pullanagari, Craig Miller, and Stuart Mead
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:56–08:58 |
PICO3.10 |
Matthew Varnam, Mike Burton, Ben Esse, Ryunosuke Kazahaya, and Giuseppe Salerno
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
08:58–09:00 |
PICO3.11 |
Charlotte Gelibert, Franck Donnadieu, Valentin Freret-Lorgeril, Johanand Gilchrist, Corentin Soriaux, Frédéric Peyrin, Thierry Latchimy, Claude Hervier, Nélida Manrique, and Domingo Ramos
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
09:00–09:02 |
PICO3.12 |
Hao Li, Joan Andújar, Aneta Slodczyk, Domingos De Sousa Meneses, and Bruno Scaillet
Chairperson: Benoît Smets, Nicolas d'Oreye , Gaetana Ganci, Manuel Queißer
09:02–09:04 |
PICO3.13 |
Stephane Boubanga Tombet, Frederick Marcotte, Eric Guyot, and Martin Chamberland