
SSP1.3 Media

What role did climate dynamics play in human evolution, the dispersal of Homo sapiens within and beyond the African continent, and key cultural innovations? Were dry spells, stable humid conditions, or rapid climate fluctuations the main driver of human evolution and migration? In order to evaluate the impact that different timescales and magnitudes of climatic shifts might have had on the living conditions of prehistoric humans, we need reliable and continuous reconstructions of paleoenvironmental conditions and fluctuations from the vicinity of paleoanthropological and archaeological sites. The search for the environmental context of human evolution and mobility crucially depends on the interpretation of paleoclimate archives from outcrop geology, lacustrine and marine sediments. Linking archeological data to paleoenvironmental reconstructions and models becomes increasingly important.

As a contribution towards a better understanding of these human-climate interactions the conveners encourage submission of abstracts on their project’s research on (geo)archaeology, paleoecology, paleoclimate, stratigraphy, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. We especially welcome contributions offering new methods for dealing with difficult archive conditions and dating challenges. We hope this session will appeal to a broad audience by highlighting the latest research on paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the vicinity of key sites of human evolution, showcasing a wide variety of analytical methods, and encouraging collaboration between different research groups. Conceptual models, modelling results and model-data comparisons are warmly welcomed, as collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

Prof. Dr. Daniel M. Deocampo (Department of Geosciences, Georgia State University, Atlanta) will talk on 'Silicate diagenesis and environmental change in eastern Africa: Examples from key hominin localities'.

Dr. Alice Leplongeon (Institute of Advanced Studies & Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna) will talk about how technological variability, environmental change, and human dispersals may be linked, particularly in the Late Pleistocene in eastern Africa, north-eastern Africa and the Levant.

Co-organized as CL1.27/GM6.8
Convener: Verena E. Foerster | Co-conveners: Annett Junginger, Nicole Klasen, Frank Schäbitz, Christian Zeeden
| Fri, 12 Apr, 10:45–12:30
Room -2.32
| Attendance Fri, 12 Apr, 14:00–15:45
Hall X1

Attendance time: Friday, 12 April 2019, 14:00–15:45 | Hall X1

Chairperson: Annett Junginger, Nicole Klasen, Frank Schäbitz
X1.123 |
Christian Wegener, Konstantin Klein, Masoud Rostami, Yaping Shao, and Andreas Zimmermann
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Konstantin Klein, Christian Wegener, Masoud Rostami, Patrick Ludwig, and Yaping Shao
X1.125 |
Stephanie Scheidt, Stephan Pötter, Janina Bösken, Sonja Berg, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Janet Rethemeyer, Martin Melles, Helmut Brückner, and Nicole Klasen
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Elena Robakiewicz, Andreas G. N. Bergner, Jens Mingram, Martin H. Trauth, and Annett Junginger
X1.128 |
Monika Markowska, Hubert Vonhof, Markus L. Fischer, Bahru Zinaye, Verena E. Foester, Asfawossen Asrat, Henry F. Lamb, Frank Schaebitz, and Annett Junginger
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Christina Günter, Verena Foerster, Asfawossen Asrat, Andrew S. Cohen, Daniel M. Deocampo, Henry F. Lamb, Thorsten Malek, Frank Schaebitz, and Martin H. Trauth
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Frank Schäbitz, Asfawossen Asrat, Cohen Andrew, Dean Jonathan, Alan Deino, Daniel M. Deocampo, Walter Düsing, Verena Foerster, Günter Christina, Annett Junginger, Henry F. Lamb, Christine Lane, Melanie J. Leng, Rachel Lupien, Helen M. Roberts, Christopher Ramsey, James Rusell, Emma Pearson, Célin Vidal, and Martin Trauth and the HSPDP - Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project
X1.131 |
Martin H. Trauth, Asfawossen Asrat, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Melissa S. Chapot, Andrew S. Cohen, Alan Deino, Walter Duesing, Verena Foerster, Hauke Kraemer, Henry Lamb, Christine Lane, Norbert Marwan, Mark Maslin, Helen M. Roberts, Frank Schaebitz, and Céline Vidal
X1.132 |
| presentation
Lisa Krueger, Gabriele Arnold, Asfawossen Asrat, Andrew S. Cohen, Verena Förster, Daniela Henkel, Frank Schäbitz, Henry Lamb, Martin H. Trauth, and Günter Christina