

About one third of the world´s population lives within 100 km of the oceanic coast. On the one hand, this implies a potential pollution threat of near-coast environments through submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) by e.g. nutrients, organic compounds and heavy-metals. On the other hand, the freshwater bodies are commonly used for water supply, which potentially incurs the intrusion or up-coning of saltwater (SWI). Increasing pressure on these freshwater sources due to climate change, population growth, and industrial and agricultural water demands will endanger a secure water supply in many parts of the world.
We envisage a session which includes different aspects of groundwater dynamics (exfiltration and infiltration) and quality in coastal zones and oceanic islands. The focus is set on 1) the application of new and advanced techniques to detect and investigate SGD and SWI, to improve our process understanding but likewise 2) on resulting consequences and potentials.
The session will also consider contributions on inland salinization, e.g. caused by water logging, basin brines and salt deposits.

Sub-topics could be, but are not limited to:
• Numerical modeling and experiments of variable-density groundwater flow
• Remote sensing and Geophysical techniques for freshwater-saltwater settings, including terrestrial, air- and space-borne methods
• Tracking the spatial and temporal development of salinization through field observations and monitoring techniques
• Hydrogeochemical processes at the freshwater/saltwater interface
• Management of fresh groundwater resources on islands and in the coastal zone in times of climate change and increasing water demand
• (Pilot) studies on mitigative and adaptive measures to combat salinization, e.g. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in the coastal zone

Convener: Ulf Mallast | Co-conveners: Georg Houben, Christian Siebert, Pieter van Beek
| Tue, 09 Apr, 16:15–18:00
Room 2.31
| Attendance Tue, 09 Apr, 14:00–15:45
Hall A

Attendance time: Tuesday, 9 April 2019, 14:00–15:45 | Hall A

Chairperson: Ulf Mallast, Pieter van-Beek, Christian Siebert
A.273 |
Jainy Varghese, Jaya Sarasamma, and Sheela Moses
A.274 |
Developing new two dimensional analytical solution for land-derived solute transport under tidal fluctuation
(withdrawn after no-show)
Heejun Suk and Yong Cheol Kim
A.275 |
Jehyun Shin, Seho Hwang, Soo-Hyoung Lee, Dong-Chan Koh, and Yongcheol Kim
A.279 |
Christophe Monnin, Joseph Tamborski, Simon Bejannin, Marc Souhaut, Philippe Olivier, and Pieter Van Beek
A.281 |
Pieter van Beek, Joseph Tamborski, Simon Bejannin, Marc Souhaut, Thomas Stieglitz, Olivier Radakovitch, Christelle Claude, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Marc Diego-Feliu, Christophe Monnin, Charlène Odobel, Mireille Pujo-Pay, Pascal Conan, Jean-François Ghiglione, Olivier Crispi, Mariia Petrova, Lars-Eric Heimbürger, Jean-Luc Seidel, François Lacan, and Céline Charbonnier and the MED-SGD
A.282 |
Chang-Seong Koh, Seok-Hoon Yoon, Jeong-Gyun Hong, and Eun-Hee Koh
A.284 |
Ariel Thomas, Sönke Reiche, Christoph Clauser, Marko Riedel, and Stefan Buske
A.285 |
Tybaud Goyetche, Maria Pool, and Jesus Carrera
A.286 |
Miguel Ángel Marazuela, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, Carlos Ayora, and Alejandro García-Gil
A.287 |
Laura del Val, Maarten W. Saaltink, Albert Folch, Tybaud Goyetche, Maria Pool, Jesús Carrera, Olivier Bour, and John S. Selker
A.288 |
Andrea Scozzari, Ismail Abd-Elaty, Gehan Sallam, and Salvatore Straface
A.289 |
Ashraf Ahmed, Abdelrahman Abdelgawad, and Antoifi Abdoulhalik
A.290 |
Lisa Schreiber, Sascha E Oswald, and Thomas Salzmann
A.291 |
Sonia Jou, Albert Folch, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, and Francisco Carreño
A.292 |
Laura Martinez, Miguel Angel Marazuela, Linda Luquot, Albert Folch, Laura Del Val, Tybayd Goyetche, Marc Diego-Feliu, Maarteen W. Saaltink, Valenti Rodellas, Maria Pool, Fabian Bellmunt, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Philippe Pezard, Juanjo Ledo, Enric Vazquez-Suñe, and Jesus Carrera
A.293 |
Ivan Lovrinovic, Veljko Srzic, Mijo Vranjes, and Marin Milin
A.294 |
Dini Adyasari, Christiane Hassenrück, Till Oehler, and Nils Moosdorf